Archives for March 2016

Hello Spiritual Warrior! And welcome to spring – a time for renewal, birthing new pathways, awakening to our best version!!!

At this time of year, I am always touched deeply by the words of Henry David Thoreau in his timeless classic Walden:

We should be blessed if we lived in the present always, and took advantage of every accident that befell us […] and did not spend our days in atoning for the neglect of past opportunities, which we call our duty. We loiter in winter while it is already spring. In a pleasant spring morning, all men’s sins are forgiven. (Spring.19)

Let’s take these words to heart right now and leap into the fray. If you’ve been holding back on moving forward, trying something new, or making a decision – trust that right now, you have all you need to make the most conscious choice.

Teacher Training in June
Teacher Training in June

Just yesterday, someone stopped me on the street and told me she had wanted to register for the Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teacher Training but she was afraid. She actually uttered these words, “Who am I to be a teacher of something I have struggled with?” I asked myself the same question almost 15 years ago – but I leaped… dove in headfirst… and committed myself to an entirely new direction in my life.

In hindsight, it was the boldest move I ever made, the most nourishing step I could have taken, and the seed for all the gifts I have received since then. So let’s dig deep and step into our power this week. If you’ve been holding off having a difficult conversation – trust and make the call. If you’ve been making excuses that you’re not good enough to risk something new – give yourself permission to own your impact. If you’ve been fearful about stepping forward with a decision – close your eyes, place your hand on your heart and feel your courage.

And if you’ve been delaying making a commitment to personal development… in the words of Red Redding in The Shawshank Redemption: “Either get busy living or get busy dying!”

In honor of these words, register this week for one of the last 3 spots of my upcoming Teacher Training (starts online June 15 – & meets in the SweetSpot in October) and together we will transform the world as we transform ourselves. Trust & keep meditating. Aham brahmasmi baby!! peace. -davidji

dji & peaches


P.S. Adopt Your next pet!


When our energy centers, or chakras, are open and vibrant we are abundantly rich in the vital life force, known in Sanskrit as “prana.” We feel grounded, inspired, energized, loving, kind, grateful, intuitive, and connected to source. When energy becomes stagnant in one or more of these vortex wheels, we are prone to experience emotional congestion fueled by fear, limiting beliefs, and lack of self-love – thus opening ourselves to emotional, physical, and spiritual pain.

Open, energized, and awakened chakras promote emotional and spiritual growth. We experience “free flowing” energy and information that moves in alignment within the natural rhythms of our bodies and the universal rhythms of nature.

Let’s pay attention to those energy centers that are open and flowing, and those that might be constricted. Enjoy your continued exploration on The Path to Enlightenment. Relax & enjoy the meditation.

Hello Spiritual Warriors!! Ready to open your energy centers?

Watch the video!!

You know I’m a big fan and believer in chakra wisdom tools. Energy is an integral part of mind-body health and living a more conscious life and chakra is a Sanskrit word and translates to energy “center” or “wheel.” Ancient seers put the pieces together long ago – identifying the many threads of frequencies that connect our physical, motional, intellectual, and spiritual energies and the effects that these vibrations have on our overall health and constitutional wellbeing.

[Tweet “Awakening our chakra energies powerfully moves us closer to our most divine self – our best version”]

Ayurveda teaches us to study, understand, and balance our mindbodyspirit as a whole – promoting an existence that is in tune with the natural rhythms of nature – and the oneness that rests at the core of our existence. When you apply conscious living practices like chakra awareness techniques, your self-observation and connectivity expands organically.

We have seven main chakra energy centers that run in a straight line along our spine – starting at the base and up to the crown of our head. They can be thought of as the junction points of our physical world and the unmanifest that rests beyond.

When our chakras are open and vibrant we are abundantly rich in the vital life force, known in Sanskrit as “prana.” We feel grounded, inspired, energized, loving, kind, grateful, intuitive, and connected to source. When energy becomes stagnant in one or more of these vortex wheels, we are prone to experience emotional congestion fueled by fear, limiting beliefs, and lack of self-love – thus opening ourselves to emotional, physical, and spiritual pain.

Open, energized, and awakened chakras promote emotional and spiritual growth. We experience “free flowing” energy and information that moves in alignment within the natural rhythms of our bodies and the universal rhythms of nature.

When we are making healthier, more conscious choices, we exist in a state of grounded energetic alignment with the universe. Awakening our chakra energies is a powerful wisdom tool for us to move closer to our most divine self – our best version. Since our chakras are expressions of the various levels of our consciousness – from groundedness to creativity to following through to loving more to speaking our voice to making more conscious choices to connecting with source – we can open them and flow through the world with greater grace, greater ease & deeper fulfillment. We can connect more powerfully to our most genuine self – awaken more nourishing relationships, shift out of constrictions, and move beyond blockages as we truly manifest our dream life.

This week, let’s open our chakras and lean in the direction of our dreams!

Happy exploring – and remember the power of your energy ripple! People feel it, take it in and flow it back into the world just like you do with their energy, so be conscious of how you treat yourself and others in this kooky, beautiful, divine existence of ours! Keep meditating! We transform the world by transforming ourselves.

Aham brahmasmi baby!!!! –davidji

davidji & peaches





P.S. Remember to adopt your next pet.

Artwork by Kari Anapol;

Mantra: Om Akasha Ritam

Discover that healing space within. We cannot solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it. But when we perceive there is a problem in our life, we create a constriction. It’s what happens next that truly constricts us. We have thoughts of fear, sadness, anxiety, anger, shame, guilt, or denial – and as our thought process gets tighter and smaller and smaller – the constriction overwhelms us. The amazing thing is that just a millimeter of a thought away is awareness of a creative solution to our problem or feeling or thought. So, what’s the issue?

Awareness. Letting go. Surrendering.

Want to add this to your personal meditation library? Click here.

Welcome Spiritual Warriors!!!

Thanks for joining me for another opportunity to explore & share the magnificence of one of the oldest healing systems on the planet – Ayurveda – pronounced eye–yur–vey-dah.

Ayurveda, literally the “wisdom of life,” offers us a unique lens to view our life and how we individually express the universal components of existence.

[Tweet “Every beat of our heart; every breath we take; every word we speak is an expression of space, air, fire, water & earth flowing through us”]

According to Ayurveda, everything that flows within us and everything that flows outside of us is comprised of five master elements – space, air, fire, water and earth. Notice how these elements flow from the lightest SPACE … the most subtle expression of life … to the heaviest, the most dense – EARTH. As the progression moves from space to air to fire to water to earth, we see and feel the increase in form, shape, weight and structure.

Ayurveda teaches us that everything in existence is a blend of these five master elements. So that means every person, every animal, every corner of the planet, every aspect of your daily life … has space, air, fire, water and earth flowing through it.

This intermingling of all five elements determines the energetic flow in every moment … in every conversation … in every interaction …in every interpretation and in every expression. Some moments carry more space, while others are fiery, and others are earthy. Some are sharp (filled with fire) while others are nourishing (water). By being mindful in each moment – and that comes from having a daily meditation practice – we can learn volumes about how and why we act the way we do, what elements are abundant or scarce in a given moment, and how to balance ourselves – bring us back to our natural state of balance.

The moment you feel yourself struggling or suffering – STOP – and ask yourself, “Which element do I have too much of right now?” and “Which element do I have too little of?” The answers will help you formulate your next step. Start the process by practicing 16 seconds.

music, mantras & meditations
music, mantras & meditations

Breathe in to the count of four, hold to the count of four, exhale to the count of four, and hold the breath out to the count of four – all the while watching your breath as it flows and observing it as you hold it. Then reflect upon the element that’s over-abundant; and once you are clear, identify the one that’s weak. Breathe yourself back into balance by using words and performing actions that ease your excessive element and heighten the one that’s faint.

Another way to help awaken that process is through sound therapy. Tens of thousands of people have immersed into Ayurvedic healing through my double-CD Journey to Infinity. The rapturous world music that transports each element into your cells is by my dear friends, Canadian sound-healers SacredFire. The album is 102 minutes and the quality of the recording is pure ear candy.

40DAYsCDcoverART_1400x1400 (1)Another way to access these teachings is through my newest meditation release, the 40 Days of Transformation, where I dedicate five full days to the master elements. There are so many ways to connect to these timeless teachings – we go even deeper in my Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teacher Training – (starting online this June!) Whichever, access point resonates most, I invite you to join me on the Journey.

Watch today’s video on Ayurveda to learn to use the master elements as an awareness tool and a guide to deeper meaning in your life; and join me this week on LIVE! from the SweetSpot on Hay House Radio and we’ll take it deeper (and take your calls).

In the meantime, keep it real, keep meditating, and I’ll see you in the gap!!!

hire davidji for your eventPeace. -davidji

Photo Credit: torbakhopper via Compfight cc

This is the wild roller coaster of life – ever changing, ever unfolding, ever uncertain. As each day comes to a close, we may find ourselves seeking healing – healing of our minds, healing of our bodies, and healing of our souls. Sometimes, we can benefit from outside help such as when we are diagnosed – and need the help of a medical professional, or when we find ourselves in grief and can benefit from a therapist. But there’s additional support that can come from within – deep within – from your most genuine self – which is pure and perfect and whole and enlightened. Which knows no separation from source – only knows love, compassion, forgiveness, and light – it only knows wholeness and sees all things as ONE.

Awakening your inner healer & cultivating your innate healing powers starts with a shift in how you see the world. Ask yourself, “ Are you this separate distinct entity or are you an integrated piece of the universe?”

You know the answer. If we can –just for a moment- surrender to the primal fact that we began this existence as one with the universe, we can make a profound shift in our body & our mind.


Hello Spiritual Warrior, and  welcome to this week’s edition of The Source where we’ll explore the process of Healing from Within.

I’m hoping you are thriving and moving through your life with greater grace and greater ease. This existence of ours is filled with peaks and valleys. If you are soaring or finding yourself on a peak right now – then take this time to celebrate … dance in the moonlight … take it all in … store up some acorns for when the moments aren’t so fruitful … let your gratitude flow … share your abundance. This will bring deeper fulfillment to the ride, keep it in perspective, and allow you to ride that crest a little bit longer.

[Tweet “Meditation quiets the mind and allows you to hear the true whispers of your heart.”]

If you find yourself in a valley right now, do not despair. Just like trees don’t grow to the sky, the depth of the abyss has a bottom!! Only 15 years ago, I found myself so deep in a valley of darkness; so sad, confused, purposeless and despondent … feeling so powerless and empty that my heart felt like it had been immersed in a vat of black India ink. The weight on my chest was excruciating. I felt empty, hollow and tears flowed all day long from my eyes and deep inside. Nothing fulfilled me or brightened my world, and it seemed like it would never end and that there was no way out.

My relationships were severely strained; I hated the work that I was doing; sadness and loss rippled through every cell in my being. I couldn’t figure out where I could find happiness. I was teetering on the brink. And then I began my journey of Eat, Pray, Love (without the eating and the love).

Awaken Your Inner Healer. spYou may have read about this in Secrets of Meditation, which details my journey OUT of the abyss. But I stayed in that dark, empty space a very long time until I learned to awaken my Inner Healer. I had been searching for answers – so much so that I traveled high and low throughout India in search of the guru. And it wasn’t till many months later that I had my aha! moment when I realized that the guru rests within. The answers to every question we could ever ask rest within, sleeping in the stillness and the silence of our heart and soul. Waiting to be awakened!!!

It was a long journey back to wholeness. I prayed and meditated every day. I began a daily practice of self-compassion, self-forgiveness and gratitude. I studied the ancient teachings and apprenticed under several brilliant and compassionate teachers. I began to forgive others I was holding grudges against. I shifted my mindset from “What’s in it for me?” to “How can I help, heal, and serve others.” I connected with my spirit guides, and I dedicated myself to a life of service. And although I rekindled my meditation practice, lightened some of the pain in my heart and found hope that I could be happy again one day, it wasn’t all rainbows and bliss. The road was dark at times; the path was rocky; and I second-guessed myself, stubbed my toe, and questioned so many steps along the way.

I was comforted by the stories of others who had crawled their way out of the depths of despair, and I was encouraged along the way by those in my front row – who rooted for me to pick myself back up. I gained confidence from conversations I had with some of the most successful people on the planet, who shared their journeys through the darkness with me – and I realized I was not alone.

I developed a specific process to keep me moving toward the light, and I stayed faithful to these powerful rituals that awakened my Inner Healer. And day-by-day, week-by-week, month-by-month, my sadness was replaced by joy, my grievances were replaced by gratitude, my fear was transmuted into courage, and my hopelessness was replaced by faith. I learned to make friends with my emotions – to better understand them, to be able to sit with them, to allow them to unwind and lose their power over my soul.

But this was only possible because my meditation practice quieted my mind and allowed me to hear the true whispers of my heart – the divine voice that rests within.

If you are in a valley right now – do not despair. There is a path that will take you back into the light … back into happiness … back into the stillness of your soul. If you know someone in a valley, pass this on to them and give them a glimmer of light.

As a member of the SweetSpot Community, you have total access to so many free healing tools that are on I encourage you to use them; let them soothe your sweet tender heart, and allow them to inspire you and help you soar again. If you desire some hands-on, in-person guidance in your process, let me help you this May at Awaken Your Inner Healer. There are a few spots left & it would be my joy to heal with you.

pranamasana davidjiIn the meantime, keep meditating!!! Peace. -davidji

Hello Spiritual Warriors! and Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source!

DestressifyingCoverSpread_wAMZNThis week we’ve been exploring the concept of mindbodyspirit – essentially total wholeness. When we look at all the ways that wellness & wellbeing ripple through our life – making up pieces of the whole – we see it in the Five Realms of Existence, which I explored pretty deeply in my book destressifying. (If you haven’t read it yet – c’mon!!! what are you waiting for? And if you have, you know what I’m talking about.) But, let’s quickly review. The Five Realms of Existence are:

  • our Physical Realm;
  • our Emotional Realm;
  • our Material Realm;
  • our Relationship Realm;
  • and our Spiritual Realm.

These five touchpoints cover every aspect of our life from our bodies, to our feelings, to our stuff and our finances, our connections — (from our relationship to self to our intimate & core relationships, our lovers & work-mates, our relatives, friends & acquaintances) –our work environment, our community, our purpose, our belief systems, and our connection to Source, God, the divine or our higher power.

Our wholeness is the completeness and interconnectedness of all aspects of our self. And the concept of mindbodyspirit is an important reminder that Divine Spirit flows through every facet of our life on this planet and beyond – from the most mundane moment to the most transcendent.

And riding right alongside wholeness in every moment is the power of healing. And that’s because we were born WHOLE and perfect – with the essence of the divine rippling through every cell in our body… and then life unfolded before us. Even as a child of 5, 7, or 9 years old, we had to interpret the world and guess how to respond to it. As a teenager, we were forced to make so many critical choices without any experience or insight. We had to trust people and their decisions about us – even while they were choosing poorly for themselves. The disappointments, unmet expectations, heartbreaks, betrayals, stubbed toes and traumas we experienced created hurts, wounds, dents, and scars that fragmented us… left us feeling less-than, wrong, broken or damaged in some way.

But deep within, resting at our core was that WHOLENESS… that perfection… that brilliance… which became obscured, splintered, and hidden under our makeup, beneath our clothes, behind the walls of our heart.

Fully embracing mindbodyspirit requires that we surrender to the one-ness of existence; allow your self to truly become vulnerable; stop hiding, shielding, blocking and protecting; and finally… let the Universe gently kiss your soul. In that moment, you re-awaken that brilliance… that perfection… your Inner Healer!

It’s always been there but most of us have dumbed it down over the past 20 years and waking your mindbodyspirit means that all the fragmented pieces of your life begin to heal. Your physical body stops struggling and spontaneously rejuvenates; your emotional blockages melt away and confidence replaces fear; your non-nourishing relationships fade into the background and love surrounds you – inside and out; and you begin to trust again – to believe in yourself again and to say YES! to life… just like when you were a child before someone told you to stop dreaming and to be realistic.

This is not pie-in-the-sky gibberish. This is not new age woo-woo mumbo jumbo. We can return to our wholeness! We can re-awaken our inner healer. We can re-invent ourselves and dance wildly in the moonlight. We can laugh till our belly hurts. We can embrace life and celebrate! We can connect with someone we’ve never met and feel our heart spark again with love. All of this is possible… all of this is probable… in fact, all of this is highly likely… if… you will take the step back home to YOU… to your heart… to your wholeness… to your mindbodyspirit.

I am here to help you re-connect with that magnificent being resting inside. You don’t need to do it alone – NO ONE ACCOMPLISHES ANYTHING GREAT ALONE!!! Meditate every day. Lean in the direction of your dreams. Live these teachings. Trust in your self and trust in the universe. And your life will continue to unfold with grace & ease. I PROMISE YOU THAT THIS IS TRUE.

In the meantime, I’ll see you in the gap!!

Peace. -davidji

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