Ignite Your Self – Transformation Journey

Hello Spiritual Warrior! Let’s explore how to ignite the journey of self-transformation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytlmrO7-z6A This week let’s ignite the journey of self-transformation!!! The moment we are fully aligned with the Universe, the energetic properties of the Sacred Powers of Transformation are deeply instilled within us, raising our vibration in every moment. Transformation is rooted in attention, […]

Transformation Through Surrender Guided Meditation

We live in a culture where being busy is better, and stillness can sometimes feel selfish, lazy, or unproductive. BUT, I’m here to tell you that meditation practices will actually help you show up more present, engaged and productive for all other realms of your life!

This is How to Discover Your Passion

You may be very clear on what you think matters to you right now. But how much of that is based on what’s happened to you over the course of your life, and how you’ve reacted to it?

When an Obstacle Derails Your Plans

Hello Spiritual Warriors!!! Welcome to another week of self reflection in The Source. This week we’ve been diving into the power of listening. Listening to the world around you and listening to your Self. But, it’s really hard to listen when the noise around you and the noise inside of you is really loud. It […]

Awakening Our Chakra Energies Weekend Meditation

Awakening our chakra energies powerfully moves us closer to our most divine self–our best version. Opening our chakras make us energized, and awakened chakras promote emotional and spiritual growth. We experience “free flowing” energy and information that moves in alignment within the natural rhythms of our bodies and the universal rhythms of nature. Enjoy!

Moving through Change Weekend Meditation

 Happy weekend, spiritual warriors! What has happened in the oxymetholone for sale past can’t be changed. We can’t unring the bell, but we can move forward… and how you choose to move forward from this moment, is the choice that will determine the fabric of your life. Peace. -davidji P.S. I’m on my way […]