davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

Guided Meditation for Manifestation & Being the Best Version of Yourself

Infinite Possibilities Guided Meditation

Hello Spiritual Warrior! Welcome to this week’s guided meditation on infinite possibilities & manifestation.  

You have a choice right now. How are you going to show up to the world? You can choose to let negative energy overwhelm and constrict you, or you can choose to show up as the best version of yourself. YOU HAVE THAT CHOICE! In every single moment there are infinite possibilities available to you, and through meditation, you can make nourishing, life-affirming choices. And in those choices you can also choose what you want to manifest into your life. In this manifestation meditation, you will create space within and realize that you have infinite possibilities in every moment.

Let’s dive into this guided meditation & let the choices reveal themselves. This week’s mantra is akasha ritam

In the meantime, remember to like, subscribe, and share to keep your ripple flowing in our community!!! Sending you peace, love and health. Be well.

Namaste. -davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess


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