Cosmic Awareness: 18-Minute Guided Meditation

Cosmic Awareness Hello, Spiritual Warrior! Let’s dive deep into a meditation on Cosmic Awareness. For this meditation, I invite you to lie down so that you can find that space of complete surrender, as we connect with the divine universe. We’ll start with a body scan, and then move into that space where our flesh […]

End Negative Thinking, Worry and Anxiety – 20 Minute Guided Meditation

In this 20 minute meditation, you will end your negative thinking, worrying, or any thoughts that have been cycling through your mind on a loop. Time to relax and unwind. You can use this meditation before bed, to start your day, or as a mid afternoon reset. Use this as a pattern interrupt anytime of day!

How to Know You Are Receiving Signs From the Universe – 2 Minute Wisdom Lesson

When receiving signs from the Universe, it often feels like a coincidence. It is the Universe tapping you on the shoulder & whispering in your ear “Pay attention!” It is a moment of powerful alignment between you and something much bigger than you. It means your awareness has expanded way beyond your typical day-to-day. It is a higher state of consciousness!

Cosmic Awareness Guided Meditation

This weekend, let’s flow our prana life force, merge our physical body with our environment and allow our spiritbody to connect with the world outside.

Living with Less Judgement – Key to the Divine Principle of One

With so many people on the planet, it’s often impossible to comprehend that you share the essence of a tribal warrior 10,000 miles away. Or that your soul and the soul of some violent dictator in another country are one. But at your core, you are whole and one with everything in existence and everything that has ever existed.