Archives for February 2016

Photo Credit: Frances Lane via Compfight cc

If we’re vibrating at a high frequency, we can sense all things around us. If we’re vibrating at a low frequency, we’re trapped in our mind. Immune to all sounds, emotional interpretations. Every thing is about attention and intention. The only way to raise our vibration is to start with the seed of silence and stillness. Then, all sensations start to expand and come alive.

cat_downloads headphonesAdd this meditation to your library.

You can find this weekend’s guided mediation and many other’s from davidji’s archives in the online store. Available for instant download to your computer.

THIS is happening … but space is filling fast.

Awaken Your Inner Healer in Carlsbad, CA in May

Hello Spiritual Warriors, and welcome to another edition of The Source!!!

This week in our videos, our meditations, on Hay House Radio, in our Tweets & posts on Instagram & Facebook, we’ve been exploring vibrational transformation.

[Tweet “The more still we are, the more we sense movement, we know the MORE AWARE WE ARE”]

Whether you understand vibration in a spiritual context or from a scientific perspective, the definition is the same: Vibration is the high-speed motion of particles and their rhythm. When two separate entities vibrate at the same speed, they are connected in a special way. We call that connection attunement or being in resonance. We’ve all felt or said at one time, “That really resonates with me!” or “I don’t resonate with that!” Most likely we were referring to the energy of a person, an environment, or an experience – essentially, we were evaluating the energetic vibration of the moment.

Whether we view these experiences from a woo-woo, spiritual, or scientific standpoint – it’s all about energy. When energy gets really dense – it becomes heavier & more tangible (we refer to that as physical) and when it gets real subtle – it becomes lighter & can appear invisible (we refer to it as ethereal).

Everything we perceive, we take in vibrationally through our SIX senses – tasting, smelling, hearing, seeing, feeling & sensing. We know our thoughts become things… we know that the quieter we are, the better we hear… the more still we are, the more we sense movement… we know the MORE AWARE WE ARE, the more we perceive everything.

When your personal vibration and vibration of something outside of you are vibrating at the same rate – they are attuned and what may be perceived as “invisible” then becomes visible.

So by slowing down our distractions and connecting to the stillness and silence that rests within, we can better understand our own vibration and the vibration of all things outside of us. On so many occasions, I have been able to “see” the future, because my vibration has been attuned with the super high vibration of what has yet to unfold. People will ask me how I “predicted” something but I actually didn’t predict it… I was simply able to resonate at the same vibration as something that was yet to unfold. I was able to “see” it hours, days, or months before it happened. I don’t consider this predicting the future – I was just able to see the bigger picture.

This week, I encourage you get still… pay attention to your vibration. Close your eyes and feel your heart beat, listen to your breathing. Move a bit more in slow motion. Don’t reach for your device when you have a free 10 seconds. Instead, stop & witness the moment. Listen to sounds outside of you. Pay attention to the smells around you. Listen when people talk instead of thinking of your words. Eat a bit more mindfully. And do one thing at a time – no multi-tasking. Try uni-tasking. DOING ONE THING BRILLIANTLY!!!!!

Let’s commit to at least ten minutes of meditation every morning to set a trajectory of a high vibration. This week, let’s commit to raising our own vibration. Remember, we transform the world by transforming ourselves!!!

I’ll see you in the gap!

Peace. -davidji

Mantra: Anahata Ritam

“Acceptance of one’s life has nothing to do with resignation; it does not mean running away from the struggle. On the contrary it means accepting it as it comes… To accept is to say yes to life in its entirety.” -Paul Tournier

We spend most of our lives looking out side of ourselves for release from the pain and suffering. But realize that all things are with our control and that we can transcend the suffering … with love and acceptance … and surrender. We can keep complaining about the rain or accept that it’s raining, find an umbrella, and dance in the cleansing fall. We get to choose. We are choice-making beings. No one can ever take that away from us – not even ourselves. We just need a little reminder now and then to come home to our our sweet, precious, divine heart. I wish you many conscious choices this week.

[Tweet “We are choice-making beings. No one can ever take that away from us, not even ourselves”]

Hello Spiritual Warriors!! and welcome to another edition of The Source.

[Tweet “Spirituality is simply the journey we make to our most expanded place – it’s not religion, or dogma, or rules, or limits”]

Is there a challenge in your life right now? Struggling with a relationship? The consequences of your actions? A money issue? Uncertainty in your job? Fear over something that may or may not unfold? How to fix a problem?

The great spiritual thinker and teacher, Albert Einstein was known to have said:

“We cannot solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

So, the moment you perceive that there is a problem – that is probably your biggest moment of constriction. And then… what we think or do after that can either constrict us further – or expand us beyond the obvious answer to a spontaneous right thought, spontaneous right words, or a spontaneous right action.

But often, we see the problem and our next thought is one of fear, sadness, anxiety, anger, shame, guilt, or denial – and as our thought process gets tighter and tighter and smaller and smaller – the constriction overwhelms us.

But millimeters away, there is a creative solution just sitting there. If we can simply expand our sense of awareness – expand our understanding – go to the space between our thoughts, then answers will begin to unfold.

It all begins with awareness… with letting go… with surrendering to the reality that we don’t always have the best answer in our tiny world of conditioned expectations. And that’s because our perception of the moment is based on a lifetime of conditioning.

Stepping away from this realm takes us to the land of creative solutions – spiritual solutions – where we realize that there is a spontaneous right solution in every moment IF… we can see it through new eyes!

Teacher Training in June
Teacher Training in June

The starting point is to introduce a pattern interrupt – a break in the action – allowing our mind to take a breath. We can train our mind to take this breath by taking a breath ourselves – by stepping away from the situation and connecting to the universal brain. We do this through meditation, by communing with nature, by connecting to someone else, by opening our heart, by feeling gratitude, by forgiving – by doing anything that stops the flow of constricted thoughts and gives us a moment of stillness, silence, one-ness.

This is not the traditional silence of no sound – but a deeper silence that rests deep within. So blasting music and dancing, meditating, exercising, going for a hike, looking into another’s eyes, watching a lighthearted movie, making love, practicing yoga, reaching out to someone you’ve been avoiding, walking in the woods, practicing #16seconds, gazing out at the ocean – anything that will interrupt the conditioned pattern of the way we usually live, think, speak and act – can transport us to the other side of the problem – essentially to another level of consciousness… another level of awareness.

Spirituality is simply the journey we make to our most expanded place – it’s not religion, or dogma, or rules, or limits. It’s our open-ness, our heart center, our trust that this moment is pure and whole and perfect and pure – it’s loving our self and every thing outside of our self. It’s trusting that you have been led to this moment so you can come up with the creative solution!!!!!!

So the next time you find yourself at the bottom of the rabbit hole – despondent, overwhelmed, emotionally shut down, confused, on the verge of tears, or feeling that there is no way out… introduce a pattern interrupt… ANY pattern interrupt that will take you away from the problem, out of your comfort zone, AND into the land of gratitude, love, trust, or peace and once you are there…

Remind yourself:

“Here I am in this sacred, precious present moment”… and then ask yourself: “what am I going to do with it?”

Email me at with your solutions and let’s raise the vibration together!!!

In the meantime, I’ll see you in the gap!

dji & peaches

Peace. -davidji

Hello Beloved Spiritual Warrior!! Welcome to another edition of The Source – the newsletter that translates timeless wisdom into modern practical application. This week, we explore AGNI – (our personal digestive fire) and the two possible outcomes from digestion – Ojas (sweet vital nectar) and Ama (toxic residue).

Think of the last meal you had. Ideally, you ate natural, unprocessed foods in a fully present state. If our physical AGNI is burning brightly, then it cooks, digests and metabolizes all the food we ingest. We then absorb all the nutrients contained therein – and ideally – if everything is working correctly – once we’ve absorbed all the nourishing elements of the meal, we let go of and release what no longer serves us. What’s left over from this meal is the most concentrated form of nourishment – and we call this divine essence Ojas.

Similar to the concept of bees making honey – it can take 20,000 bees per hive to harvest the nectar of a few thousand flowers and distill them into honey. This is a subtle process and we are talking about distilling large items into their most divine essence. If our physical AGNI is not burning brightly, but rather sputtering, like wet leaves on a bonfire, then what’s left behind is not Ojas, but Ama or toxic residue.

The same is true for our emotional AGNI. Think of the last interaction you had with someone – a conversation, an exchange of energy, or a transaction. If your emotional AGNI is burning brightly, then we pay attention to the other person’s words and emotions, we communicate consciously, listen attentively, don’t interrupt, and show up fully present. We maintain eye contact, absorb the sentiment compassionately; don’t think about our next words, patiently let the person finish their sentences, show up defenselessly, don’t check our device, stay established in a heart connection and intellectually distill the big and little pictures.

Then, once all the information has been ingested, absorbed and digested – ideally – IF our emotional AGNI is burning brightly, we close the loop and let go of what emotionally no longer serves us. What’s left behind is emotional Ojas – sweet vital emotional nectar.

If we are hurried, impatient, waiting for someone to stop talking, speaking harshly, not fully present, constantly checking our device, fidgeting, avoiding eye-contact, or disconnected from the other person’s emotions… then, most likely… the result will be Ama – toxic residue – the opposite of Ojas.

Whether or not we leave behind Ojas or Ama is a choice. And in every moment, we truly have a choice of how we want to show up. This week, I encourage you AFTER THE FACT… to ask yourself “What did I just leave behind?” If you’ve left behind Ojas… party on!!!!! Good job!!!! Reinforce it and celebrate!

But, if you’ve left behind Ama, this is the chance to go back; and shift the trajectory… apologize… reconnect… call a time out…. make a better choice… forgive yourself… and commit to Ojas over Ama. Remember… We transform the world by transforming ourselves!! So this week, let’s commit to OJAS!!! Being bold!!! And stepping into our power. Aham brahmasmi baby!!! I am the universe.

Peace. -davidji

Discovering Your Dharma is Almost Full

dharma_Ad_beachwalk_NEWDATEv2This intimate 4-day interactive experience with davidji in Carlsbad, Calif., will set a nourishing, new trajectory for you and powerfully shift your life from where you are to where you want to be. During your time with davidji, you will receive personalized instruction in the cultivation of your spiritual practice, helping you get comfortable in your meditation ritual, identifying your unique gifts and special talents, and opening new healing pathways in your life. You will also:

  • Discover what really matters in your life
  • Identify your archetypes to empower your new vision
  • Understand how to merge what you love with serving others
  • Overcome your confusion regarding where your life is going, and
  • Meet like-minded people exploring their journeys

Register here >>

Mantra: Akasha Ritam

You have the ability to control the speed and frequency at which life comes at you. Science is now proving that slowing down our brainwaves through destressifying techniques such as starting each day in stillness and silence is possible. By connecting to the present moment – whether through in-the-moment stress-busters or through a daily practice of meditation – our brain gains clarity, creativity, intuition, balance, and resilience. Imagine if every thought, idea, appointment, and interaction appeared to you in slow motion? And then you could choose the best option, and act IN REAL TIME! Making the commitment to meditate every day is your path to that ability.

Want to add this to your meditation library? Download it here. 

davidji masters of meditation and wisdom teacher trainingMeditation Teacher Training Starts Online June 12

My 4-month long meditation teacher training mid-June 2016, and culminates with a week in-residence with me in early October 2016. All classes are LIVE! online interactive webinars.
Classes begin online June 12, 2016
In-residence week October 3-9, 2016
During your time leading up to the final week, you will experience:
  • A one-on-one Skype call with me
  • A live video webinar per month (four total) in which you will interact with your fellow teachers in training
  • Continuous interaction with me
  • Video and audio teachings each week (16 weekly lessons)
  • And an intensive seven-days in-residence at The Meditation Nest in Carlsbad, Calif.
Elevate your meditation practice to a higher and deeper level, and achieve greater knowledge and understanding of the most esteemed masters and their timeless teachings.

Hello Spiritual Warriors!!!! and welcome to another edition of The Source – the newsletter that translates ancient teachings into modern world practical application. This week we’re exploring Slowing Down the World around you.

Wait – does that mean transcending time & space? Yes, indeed it does.

[Tweet “Imagine if every thought, idea, appointment, and interaction appeared to you in slow motion?”]

You have the ability to control the speed and frequency at which life comes at you! Science is now proving that we can slow our brainwaves through destressifying techniques such as 16seconds, squeeze & release, 8 destressifications of the spine, body scans, chakra tuning, quiet continuous breathing, and by starting each day in stillness and silence.

By connecting to the present moment – whether through in-the-moment stress-busters or through a daily practice of meditation – our brain gains clarity, creativity, intuition, balance, and resilience. Our brain’s typical default mechanism of non-stop activity and conditioned responses has been going on relentlessly since the moment we came out of the womb. It’s even revving pretty fast while we sleep.

We are constantly engaged in activity – thinking, planning, remembering, pondering, longing, contemplating, walking, running, riding, talking, typing, DOing – very rarely is there space, peace, tranquility or calm. We move from activity to activity to activity and often, when there is a quiet moment, rather than embracing it… we text someone, take a picture of the moment, or talk about it and so the sweet present moment gets steamrolled again by activity.

Most people on the planet are waking up, burning through the day and then passing out as bedtime approaches. And they do this every day until they die. For many high achievers, the speed of life is lightning fast; for others it’s relentless and overwhelming; but for those spending at least 30 minutes every day in stillness and silence, the world comes to them at the speed they select. Which means that even if you’re a “type A” personality from New York City BUT you meditate… the speed of the world around you will feel like it’s in slow motion!!

Imagine if every thought, idea, appointment, and interaction appeared to you in slow motion? And then you could choose the best option, and act IN REAL TIME! Making the commitment to meditate every day is your path to that ability. And if you’re not sure where to start, try a few of my free meditations in the Meditation Room, climb aboard the 40 Days of Transformation where you can meditate with tens of thousands of meditators of every type for as long as you desire, or join me for my one of my life transforming immersions (these are not workshops – they are immersions – we are together each day for virtually every moment you are awake).


The speed of your life is yours to choose. Whether you are a business person, a big dreamer, the heart of your family, or an entrepreneur – meditation will change your life forever and once you get a taste of the world showing up for you in slow motion, you will never want to stop!

Remember to adopt your next pet!! Join me in the gap. And let’s transform the world by transforming ourselves!

Peace. -davidji

davidji & peaches

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