Stress Relief: 18- Minutes Guided Meditation
Stress Relief enjoy this 18-minute meditation for Stress Relief. How we treat ourselves in meditation is how we treat ourselves in life, and if we can make our meditation experience pure, whole, compassionate and self-loving, then we will flow that energy out into the world.Before we begin, we will ponder a few sacred questions: What is […]
Managing The Fight/Flight Response
The Fight/Flight Response Hello, Spiritual Warrior! The fight / flight response is a primal response in our bodies for self-preservation – a function of the autonomic nervous system that, essentially, keeps us alive during times of great stress. When we perceive a threat, the first thing that happens in the body is perspiration – […]
Do This 5 Times a Day to Completely Destress
Sometimes, even just the thought of an irritating situation or person can trigger a stress response; but in 16 seconds you can connect to the present moment.
You Are Stronger than Your Worst F.E.A.R.
When we hear the voice in our head telling us we are less than or not worthy, we need to know that the word TRUST can be re-configured into STRUT!
Quick Tip for Centering Yourself in the Moment
When we introduce a pattern interrupt into our flow of thoughts, we can gently step aside from the uneasy memories of the past or the anxious thoughts of the future – and truly ground ourselves back into the present moment – our bodymind moves beyond all that irritation, anger, discomfort, anxiety, less-than, or “it’s not fair” thinking.
Did you know that all emotions are actually good for us?
The benefits of “negative” emotions are that they are telling us something or advising us on our next step.
Setbacks are Hard! Be Gentle with Your Heart as You Heal
Practicing meditation on a daily basis allows you to weave silence and stillness into your mind and body to create a life of greater compassion and fulfillment – not only for others, but for YOURSELF, as well.
Where Can We Find the Silence?
For most of us, between the 60,000-80,000 thoughts we receive each day & the millions of vibrations that flow into our ear canal from our environment, there isn’t a lot of silence.
Every Athlete, CEO, Cop, Soldier, Parent, Student… Should Do This
As the pace of technology in brain-imaging software increases, we are finally able to look deep into the brain and see what happens when someone meditates.
This is Your Brain on Meditation
Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source in which we explore the scientific results meditation has on the brain. The newest brain science has shown very specifically how meditation affects our brains. In the groundbreaking 2012 Yale stress study published in the online journal Biological Psychiatry, researchers found that stressful life events such as […]