Archives for May 2015

stepping into uncertainty
Photo Credit: Dave Catchpole via Compfight cc

“Il n’est pas certain que tout soit incertain. (Translation: It is not certain that everything is uncertain.)” ―Blaise Pascal

Certainty is overrated since there isn’t certainty in anything in life. We try to convince ourselves of certainty by trying to assert control. But, if we can become better friends with the concept of uncertainty, we can move through our lives with greater grace and ease, accepting each moment as a magnificent snapshot — assuming nothing, judging nothing and allowing it to unfold.

Hello Spiritual Warriors! Welcome to another issue of The Source – an opportunity for us to take some timeless wisdom & weave it into the fabric of our life.

This week, we’re exploring coincidence, which is often defined as a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances that doesn’t have an apparent causal connection.

DeStressify_LearnMoreIn his landmark book, The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, Dr. Deepak Chopra defines one of these moments as “a seeming conspiracy of improbabilities” and offers the perfect example of a coincidence when he discusses shooting stars. They are all around us and constantly soaring through the sky – yet we only see them at night and when circumstances perfectly align.

We often explain moments like this as “miracles” because they are so unlikely; and yet, we know that under the right circumstances they are occurring all the time. Capturing, acknowledging, recognizing, or seizing these “unlikely” moments in time is a divine confirmation that we are connected to everything. It’s the perfect expression of aham brahmasmi – I am the universe.

As we live our lives in the material realm, coincidences are “signs from the universe” that we are actually united with realms beyond our normal understanding of existence. These moments, although they may be flashes of a second, tell us that the local and non-local worlds are inter-connected… that the manifest and the unmanifest are actually merged into one giant universe and that we are seeing the world with more expansive eyes – that we are witnessing the bigger picture. Almost as if we are viewing the moment through some divine lens.

So often in life we have asked God, or someone who has passed on to “give us a sign.” It’s our request to have whatever exists in another dimension or a world beyond our understanding to reach through the veil that separates us and tap us on the shoulder. When you experience a coincidence, it is the universe tapping you on the shoulder & whispering in your ear “Pay attention!” It is a moment of powerful alignment between you and something much bigger than you. It means your awareness has expanded way beyond your typical day-to-day. It is a higher state of consciousness!

[Tweet “Coincidences are the universe tapping you on the shoulder whispering to pay attention!”]

When this moment happens, it should inspire us to be ever vigilant – ever more aware. There doesn’t need to be profound significance in the moment. And there is no need to torture yourself over finding a meaning. The meaning will unfold when the time is right… so keep trusting that the universe will deliver you to exactly where you need to be. And, if you were looking for a sign from the universe in order to make a shift, or take a step… this is it!! The universe is giving you permission to move forward!!

So this week, let’s pay attention to the coincidences in our life – it’s a whole lot easier if you meditate every day. Coincidences unfold with greater frequency & ease to those who meditate & come from a place of stillness & silence. What have you got to lose? Let’s meditate & witness the world around us with new eyes, more expansive viewpoints, with an aham brahmasmi mindset – and let the universe weave its magnificence through our lives.

In the meantime, I’ll see you in the gap!

Peace. -davidji



P.S. Adopt your next pet!



Photo Credit: ♡ dare to share beauty via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: ♡ dare to share beauty via Compfight cc

“If we are going to achieve our purpose in life, we must be willing to fall out of grace and accept its lessons. When we feel righteous about ourselves, or deny our brokenness, we are fighting against the higher states of grace that await us.” –Sobonfu Somé

Our natural reaction to pain is to shirk from it – to pull back… to run from it, hide from it, or push it away. Yet, if we spend our lives dodging every uncomfortable emotion that bubbles up, we stay in the same constricted place.

To live a rich, growth-filled and ever-evolving life, acknowledge & accept the thorns in life just as you celebrate the beauty of the rose petals the calming sounds of a lake, or the smell of mountain air. A gentle start to this process is to sit with your emotions as they arise and let them unfold – to truly feel them!

Want to add this track to your meditation library? Download it now for $2.99

Hello Spiritual Warriors!! And welcome to this week’s edition of The Source.

Living with, coping with, dealing with & transcending pain is a powerful process of healing. When we get to the other side, we are stronger, braver, clearer, and transformed. As the African spiritual teacher & author Sobonfu Somé said, “If we are going to achieve our purpose in life, we must be willing to fall out of grace and accept its lessons. When we feel righteous about ourselves, or deny our brokenness, we are fighting against the higher states of grace that await us.

[Tweet “When we deny our brokenness we are fighting against the higher states of grace that await us. -Sobonfu Somé @davidji_com “]

Our natural reaction to pain is to shirk from it – to pull back… to run from it, hide from it, or push it away. And we can pretty much do that with everything that comes at us in our life. Yet, if we spend our lives dodging every uncomfortable emotion that bubbles up, we stay in the same constricted place.

If our hope is to live a bold, rich, growth-filled and ever-evolving life, we need to acknowledge & accept the thorns in life just as we celebrate the fragrance and beauty of the rose petals. A gentle start to this process is to sit with your emotions as they arise and let them unfold – to truly feel them!

A rookie mistake for so many Spiritual Warriors on the path to one-ness is the desire to only want to see sunshine & rainbows in every moment – but in the process they deny their growth, they deny their humanity, they deny their potential. The moment we restrict ourselves to only “good news” or only “pleasant” experiences is the moment we stop living.

davidji destressifying retreat
destressify with me this September in the sweetspot of the universe!

To understand that in our brokenness and sadness, we embrace our wholeness… and the wholeness of life, is one of the most important lessons we as human beings can learn. If we deny our own pain, how can we truly have compassion for someone else’s?

So this week, let’s make a commitment to receive the blessings of pain & euphoria… of light & darkness… of comfort & discomfort… of sadness & of joy. In this process, we will heal our wounds, celebrate our magnificence, and truly own our wholeness. Let’s keep meditating to awaken our most divine self and let’s keep leaning in the direction of our dreams.

In the meantime, I’ll see you in the gap!!

Peace. -davidji


P.S. Adopt your next pet.

open the door to transformation

“You are what your deep, driving desire is. As you desire, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.”  — Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

In Sanscrit “manipura” means the city of jewels; it is your power within, your energy center, and helps drive you toward your deepest desires — transforming the building blocks of our dreams. Your manipura chakra transforms all matter to energy — this fire is the fire of transformation. When our fire is blocked or weak or constricted we feel tired, withdrawn and we make excuses.

Let’s awaken that fire and open the door of transformation in your life! Nourish your inner fire and burn away what no longer serves you.

Peace.  -davidji

Want to add this to your meditation library? Download it for $2.99


Hello Spiritual Warriors!!! We’ve all heard the expression: When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

This can refer to our inner teacher – or another person outside of us who mentors, guides, or informs us along the way. What are they really doing in this process? The best teachers help you awaken to the essence already resting inside you. They help you translate universal knowledge into personal wisdom. They help you see things in a new light. They channel the universe and then step out of the way.

We commonly use the word dharma to “mean purpose in life.” My dear friend & mentor Dr. David Simon taught me another meaning of the word — “essence.” Your essence is the heart of your existence. Your dharma is the essence of you who are. From your essence arise your intentions. Your intentions drive your thoughts. Your thoughts give rise to your words. Your words are translated into actions – your actions into habits of behavior. Your habits of behavior manifest as your contribution to the world. This is your dharma.

[Tweet “When we are “in our dharma” we are aligning our intentions, thoughts, words, and actions with our essence”]

When we are “in our dharma”, we are aligning our intentions, thoughts, words, and actions with our essence. This requires the power of commitment – making a contract between our body, mind, and soul. When you empower your intentions with commitment, your actions, words, thoughts, and feelings align with the universe providing unconditional support to all of your choices. This brings deeper fulfillment to you and those affected by your choices.

If you are looking to take your practice to the next level, or share the passion that burns inside you, consider finding a teacher to walk this sacred journey with you. To help you open your heart & get closer to your dharma with greater grace and greater ease. Here is an easy 4-step process to help you deepen your connection to your own essence and purpose:

  1. Meditate every morning & ask the sacred questions: what am I grateful for? Who am I grateful for?
  2. Ask a close friend or relative, “What do you think is my best quality?”
  3. Ask yourself at the end of the day “What did I love to do so much that time stood still?”
  4. As your head hits the pillow at night, ask yourself, “ How can I help others, heal others, serve others using my best qualities?”

Living our dharma is all about translating our best intentions into meaningful choices. If the passion is burning inside you, take the next step to flow your essence into the world. Everyone around you will be richer for your contribution. In the meantime, I’ll see you in the gap!!

Peace. –davidji

peaches and davidji

P.S. Adopt Your next pet!




Photo sourced from
Photo sourced from

Abundance is the magnificence of the universe, which is whole, infinite … and everything that flows through it does so with ease. Resting at the core of our very being is abundance, and you can tap into it by opening ourselves — our most genuine self — to the divine flow of the universe.


Hello Spiritual Warriors! And welcome to May. This week we step into abundance consciousness.

Money is one of the symbols of material wealth. But viewing our abundance solely in terms of dollars or euros or pesos or pounds is limiting. True abundance consciousness is opening our mind, heart & soul so wide so that EVERY aspect of our existence — nourishment, money, energy, health, success, love, forgiveness, happiness, spirit … all flow into us without conditions.

Abundance consciousness is more about FLOW …  circulation. It’s a perspective in which we see ALL OF LIFE as an infinite circulating, intertwined, inter-dependent, inter-woven fabric of threads that connect every aspect of existence and that FLOW through us in every moment.

[Tweet “We are the evolutionary merging of every sunrise and sunset, every laugh and tear @davidji_com”]

Every breath I take creates a vacuum of air that will be filled by another’s exhale. Every word you speak enters the silence, alters it, vibrates, and creates the potential for a word from someone else. Every conversation you have is not simply the beginning of something, but a continuation of everything that’s led up to that moment. The ripple flows infinitely and if we open ourselves to it, we become it, and then what ripples out of us flows with effortless ease. We are the evolutionary merging of every sunrise, every sunset, every birth and every death, every laugh and every tear, every bark and every meow, every seed and every falling leaf, every conversation that’s ever existed, combined with every experience you’ve ever had, combined with all the matter and all the energy of the world that has ever existed.

That’s a lot of rippling. When we allow the world to ripple into us with open arms and then let it flow out of us with grace and generosity, in that moment we are a pure conduit, a channel, a medium for whatever we desire. And it is in that sweet act of giving AND receiving that we fulfill our purpose, our needs, our desires, and the universe’s intentions.

[Tweet “Allow the world to ripple into you with open arms and flow out with grace @davidji_com”]

Giving and receiving are both opposite sides of the same coin. But we often find ourselves doing one or the other. If we don’t allow ourselves to receive and only give, we exhaust our supply and ultimately we collapse. And if we only receive and don’t let our gifts flow out, we become constipated. We can heighten our abundance if we get more comfortable receiving the gifts of life and flowing them out with effortless ease. Circulation is the watchword of the week. Keep the flow. Keep it going. Stay open. Hug and kiss a lot (these are acts of BOTH giving and receiving). You can’t do one without the other!!

[Tweet “Heighten your abundance by receiving the gifts of life and flowing them out with ease @davidji_com”]

This week, let’s commit to abundance — to flowing the love, the forgiveness, the compassion, the generosity, the money, the encouragement, the support, the health, the nourishment, the peace, the abundance of life in all its forms as it weaves through the five realms — the physical, emotional, material, relationship, and spiritual aspects of our existence. Let’s open to abundance consciousness and recognize that we are indeed the universe – all connected…all one.  Aham brahmasmi baby!!!

If you’d like to take these teachings deeper into your life, join me at the Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teacher Training.

In the meantime, BE peace … and I’ll see you in the gap!! -davidji

Peaches 72dpiP.S. Adopt your next pet!

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