Solar Eclipse- Life Tools
The Epiritual Meaning Hello, Spiritual Warrior! Please join Peaches and I on an empty beach as we get ready for a Solar Eclipse! Every single one of us on the planet are living under the reign of the sun, and a solar eclipse is a universal message to all of us who are inhabiting this […]
How to Be More Mindful? Ask This 1 Question Right NOW

Do you want to know how to be more mindful? Ask this 1 question everyday to boost how present you are in your daily life. This is a simple tool you can use daily!
Guided Meditation for Manifestation & Being the Best Version of Yourself

You have a choice right now. How are you going to show up to the world? You can choose to let negative energy overwhelm and constrict you, or you can choose to show up as the best version of yourself.
Use Mindfulness Everyday to Show Up as Your Best Version – 5 Minute Wisdom Lesson

You can use mindfulness everyday – anywhere from 20 minutes to 16 seconds – to help you show up as your best version. Check out this 4 minute wisdom lesson to learn more!
How to Embrace Change & New Beginnings – 4 Minute Metta Moment

Learning how to embrace change can be hard. Change is often sticky, difficult, uncomfortable, and more often than not, we resist it. Join me for this 4 minute metta moment & get comfortable with change.
6 Stages of the Present Moment Experience

Presence is the powerful stillness and silence that already exists before activity arises.
Moving on from Regret
Give yourself permission to acknowledge your less-conscious choice AND make a personal commitment to making more conscious ones going forward.
Practicing Presence and Surrendering to Trust

This time-tested process will instantly infuse all the conversations in your head with a tiny bit of stillness.
What does it mean to live with more acceptance?

When you awaken the Sacred Power of Acceptance, you finally recognize that wherever you are, every moment of the past is carved in stone and for you to evolve your life, improve your situation, or find deeper fulfillment you must own the present moment.
7-minute Mindful Moment Weekend Meditation

Try this 7-minute Mindful Moment In your car before you leave for work At your desk to break up the day To focus before you take an exam When you pick up the kids from school When you get home from work but before you go into the house. Introduce this pattern interrupt into your […]