Archives for January 2018

Welcome to this week’s edition The Source, in which we explore the Divine Principle of Awareness!

Think of everything else in your life that you’ve drifted your attention to over the past few days. How about that conversation you recently had with a close friend of yours? Maybe you’ve been obsessing over what someone else is thinking. How about the internal conversations you’ve been having with yourself about your health, your aging, your love life, your relatives, your money? What aspects of those issues has your attention been focused on? Successes or failures? Satisfaction or fear? Self-reflection or rumination? And how much has your attention been on these issues? Let’s cut to the core right now and explore your current state of attention with a short journaling exercise. You can download the worksheet or just follow the questions and write them in your own journal.

Click here to download the Power of Attention Worksheet!

It all comes down to attention. Wherever your attention is, you’re giving power and energy—consciously or unconsciously—to the outcome you anticipate. If you fear the outcome, it prevents your natural ability of intention to unfold.

If you are working toward the outcome, you are in the process of manifesting the outcome. When we expand our thinking and allow more possibilities to enter into our awareness – even just a little bit – our Sacred Power of Attention will begin to provide solutions.

I dive in even more deeply into the power of attention, including additional exercises, in Sacred Powers. You can order the book at any of these online retailers.

Keep meditating, and I’ll see you in the gap!!! Peace. -davidji

Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior! Deep gratitude for those who have supported the launch of my third book, Sacred Powers. If you haven’t yet bought the book, you won’t be disappointed – the tools for true personal transformation are within, and Sacred Powers will help you awaken them!

Sacred Powers is available at one of these online retailers:

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Welcome, Spiritual Warrior, to this week’s edition of The Source in which we explore consciousness!!!

In a word, consciousness is awareness. The more aware we are of ourselves, of our words, actions and their impact, of other’s emotions, of our surroundings – the more conscious we are. When we are more conscious, we are more aligned with the universe, which allows us to flow love more easily, experience deeper meaning in the moment, and live lives of greater balance and happiness.

In the ancient Vedic traditions, everything in our physical world is made up of a balance of three forces known in Sanskrit as gunas. The gunas are tendencies… potential in a given moment. The three gunas are:

    1. Sattva can be translated to mean clarity, purity, balance, harmony, order, and lucidity. It’s light and luminous – awakening and developing our soul.
    2. Rajas can be translated to mean change, movement, passion, turbulence, and dynamism. It’s the tendency toward attraction, repulsion, fear, and desire. It’s the principle of energy.
    3. Tamas can be translated to mean darkness, heaviness, constriction, negativity, and dullness. It’s the force that leads us to attachment, stagnation, and inertia – even destruction or de-volution.

Just like the doshas in Ayurveda, each of the three gunas is ever-present simultaneously in every particle of creation. But, variations in their amounts and the balance they manifest in a given moment influence our surroundings, our mind, our body, and our soul.

Everything within us and outside of us can be defined as either sattvic – filled with lightness; rajasic – filled with energy; or tamasic – containing heaviness. In each moment, our surroundings, our emotions, the foods we ingest, our feelings, and every internal & external interaction is expressing a guna.

Use the three gunas as a tool of awareness & balance to help you awaken your most genuine self; a tool of balance to ease your physiology and your emotional state back to center; and a tool of growth to help you die to the past and evolve to your best expression.

Join me in March for my Manifesting Your Dream Life weekend immersion and we’ll explore how to balance your gunas to awaken more peace, love & humanity in your life.

Keep meditating. I’ll see you in the gap!

Peace. -davidji

Hello, Spiritual Warrior! Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source. Let’s explore the Sacred Powers in the context of our relationships.

Exploring the Sacred Power of Your Ripple is a profound exercise when you think about how many diverse relationships you have in your life. And whether you are close with someone, never speak with them, or have a challenging relationship, you are holding on to mental and emotional energy regarding the current status of the connection.

The starting point for all ripples is the relationship you have with yourself.

  • How do you treat yourself?
  • How’s your sense of self-worth?
  • Are you arrogant, condescending, and mean to yourself?
  • Or loving, forgiving, nurturing, and compassionate?
  • Do you flow unconditional love?
  • Or are you in constant comparison mode?
  • Where do you really stand in your mind’s eye?

The answers are the seeds of every single ripple in your life.

As you expand the circle beyond yourself, ask, “Who’s in my front row?” Essentially, who are your die-hard supporters, your cheerleaders, and your champions? Those are the relationships you should be placing the most attention on.

But are you? When you stumble, who is rooting for you to get back up? Are there people in your front row who don’t belong there? Do you rationalize that because someone is a relative of yours, you are willing to compromise your self-worth?

Are there people in your circle of friends or relatives who just seem to be taking up space, blocking new champions from taking their seats in your front row?

We let people into our heads that we would never invite into our homes. And yet there they are, sitting firmly on their hands in the best seats in the house, when everyone else in the theater is on their feet and applauding you.

Close your eyes with your hand on your heart, and widen the circle even farther to include everyone you can think of and envision them filling seats in the theater of your life. Then write in your journal what flows to you:

  • Who’s in your front row? The second row? The next row?
  • Are there people taking up space who probably could be moved back a few rows to make room for someone else?
  • Are there those who probably should be moved to another theater?
  • Are there people rooting for you that you haven’t made space for?

Now envision what your ideal theater looks like. Envision your view from the stage, where every face you see is cheering, rooting for you, and on your side.

This weekend I’m teaching a workshop in Las Vegas at TruYoga. Deep gratitude to Valerie Smith, my host, for bringing together spiritual warriors from all over the world to commune together, to meditate together, to explore our deepest desires, dreams & intentions together, and awaken our Sacred Powers. I’m so grateful for this sweet connection.

Our mantra for this weekend – aham brahmasmi – translates to “I am the Universe.”

Let’s remember to really connect with one another this week. Let’s live in the moment, and make kind, conscious choices. Let’s forgive, and then love. Let’s actually ACT like we’re one.

I’ll see you in the GAP. Peace. -davidji

What People Are Saying About My New Book Sacred Powers

Purchase Sacred Powers at one of these online retailers:

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If you’ve already finished the book, I’d be honored if you left an online review. Just click one of the retailer links and you’ll go straight to the book’s page to leave a review. Deep gratitude for your support.

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source. Did you know that your greatest strength is also your greatest weakness?

Years ago, I had become a master at my winning formula, and it colored everything I thought, said, and did. It was the contact lens I saw the world through—so close, that I didn’t even realize it was there.

I had conditioned myself—or to use don Miguel’s phrase, I had “domesticated” myself. Essentially, I had tamed myself to always respond with humor ultimately crafting my persona. But what did it cost me?

It cost me my heart, my authenticity, my vulnerability. It cost me intimacy. It cost me the fact that my true voice had never been heard – because I had never trusted that it would be enough. My contact lenses had been so finely polished that my ego, self-worth, and self-esteem depended on whether or not someone laughed while in my presence.

And here’s the rub: I used that very fact to offset my behavior when I was harsh, reactive, insensitive, or impatient. I rationalized in my mind that since I made so many people laugh, smile, or feel good over the course of the day, that it more than offset my more unattractive behaviors. But, deep down, I felt brokenhearted, isolated, and afraid to express my most authentic self.

Truth Always Rests at the Source

There was obviously deeper pain that had not worked its way out of me. Rather than addressing it, I had sugarcoated my childhood issues of loneliness, emptiness, worthiness, self-love, and relevance. Instead of being the soft, tender, kinder person I truly wanted to be in my heart of hearts, I had built a fortress to protect me from my deepest, most painful emotions. I had created a powerful excuse to not grow, not evolve, and not transform.

My Winning Formula had devolved into my Losing Formula!

The personal paradigm I created as a child so that I could succeed in life was costing me as I grew up. What had delivered me to a pinnacle of “success” right up until my 35th birthday, was now holding me back from being the best version of myself. When I looked in the mirror, I did not see myself as smart, thoughtful, insightful, intelligent, authentic, compassionate, helpful, loving, or supportive – the fundamental traits that I held dear as my Sacred Values. Instead I defined myself as simply funny.

Yes. For thirty years, my winning formula had brought me the trappings of what many consider success—a steady paycheck, a loving family, a posse of friends. To look at my life, I should have had everything. But I was miserable. Inside, I was feeling shallow, small, and alone.

Over time I realized that I had built a barrier to receiving love in my heart; I had dumbed down my ability to authentically flow it back out into the world; and I was missing the true depth of connection.

The Spark of Acceptance —Taking Ownership of Your Life

And so it was necessary to re-craft my vision of the world as I saw my life unfolding over the next one, three, five years—essentially emotionally deconstructing and then reconstructing myself. In his self- reflective book, An Invented Life, the American scholar and teacher Warren Bennis wrote, “I believe in self invention. I have to believe in it . . . To be authentic is to literally be your own author . . . to discover your native energies and desires, and find your way of acting on them.”

As I read those words, I knew in my heart, it was time to REbirth and change my winning formula. And that phrase—“To be authentic is to literally be your own author”—had just given me the permission I craved! I needed to come back to my core . . . my heart . . . my truth . . . and step into what Bennis referred to as my “native energies and desires,” or my most vulnerable self.

This is an excerpt from my newest book Sacred Powers: The Five Secrets to Awakening Transformation. It’s such a powerful, eye-opening, heart-moving guide to taking significant steps toward where your life is now, to where you want it to be. You can order the book from any of your favorite online retailer.

Coming up in March, I’m hosting a weekend retreat that is truly a compliment to Sacred Powers. It’s called Manifesting Your Dream Life and if you were moved by the book, this weekend immersion will help you put it all into practice; help you examine what no longer serves you; and help you let go in a safe, intimate space. This week I’m offering $200 off the current tuition price for members of the Sweetspot Community.

Send me an email at if you’d like to join me at the Meditation Nest in the Sweetspot of the Universe in March. In the meantime, I’ll see you in the GAP. Peace. -davidji

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source. Did you know that your greatest strength is also your greatest weakness?

Years ago, I had become a master at my winning formula, and it colored everything I thought, said, and did. It was the contact lens I saw the world through—so close, that I didn’t even realize it was there.

I had conditioned myself—or to use don Miguel’s phrase, I had “domesticated” myself. Essentially, I had tamed myself to always respond with humor ultimately crafting my persona. But what did it cost me?

It cost me my heart, my authenticity, my vulnerability. It cost me intimacy. It cost me the fact that my true voice had never been heard – because I had never trusted that it would be enough. My contact lenses had been so finely polished that my ego, self-worth, and self-esteem depended on whether or not someone laughed while in my presence.

And here’s the rub: I used that very fact to offset my behavior when I was harsh, reactive, insensitive, or impatient. I rationalized in my mind that since I made so many people laugh, smile, or feel good over the course of the day, that it more than offset my more unattractive behaviors. But, deep down, I felt brokenhearted, isolated, and afraid to express my most authentic self.

Truth Always Rests at the Source

There was obviously deeper pain that had not worked its way out of me. Rather than addressing it, I had sugarcoated my childhood issues of loneliness, emptiness, worthiness, self-love, and relevance. Instead of being the soft, tender, kinder person I truly wanted to be in my heart of hearts, I had built a fortress to protect me from my deepest, most painful emotions. I had created a powerful excuse to not grow, not evolve, and not transform.

My Winning Formula had devolved into my Losing Formula!

The personal paradigm I created as a child so that I could succeed in life was costing me as I grew up. What had delivered me to a pinnacle of “success” right up until my 35th birthday, was now holding me back from being the best version of myself. When I looked in the mirror, I did not see myself as smart, thoughtful, insightful, intelligent, authentic, compassionate, helpful, loving, or supportive – the fundamental traits that I held dear as my Sacred Values. Instead I defined myself as simply funny.

Yes. For thirty years, my winning formula had brought me the trappings of what many consider success—a steady paycheck, a loving family, a posse of friends. To look at my life, I should have had everything. But I was miserable. Inside, I was feeling shallow, small, and alone.

Over time I realized that I had built a barrier to receiving love in my heart; I had dumbed down my ability to authentically flow it back out into the world; and I was missing the true depth of connection.

The Spark of Acceptance —Taking Ownership of Your Life

And so it was necessary to re-craft my vision of the world as I saw my life unfolding over the next one, three, five years—essentially emotionally deconstructing and then reconstructing myself. In his self- reflective book, An Invented Life, the American scholar and teacher Warren Bennis wrote, “I believe in self invention. I have to believe in it . . . To be authentic is to literally be your own author . . . to discover your native energies and desires, and find your way of acting on them.”

As I read those words, I knew in my heart, it was time to REbirth and change my winning formula. And that phrase—“To be authentic is to literally be your own author”—had just given me the permission I craved! I needed to come back to my core . . . my heart . . . my truth . . . and step into what Bennis referred to as my “native energies and desires,” or my most vulnerable self.

This is an excerpt from my newest book Sacred Powers: The Five Secrets to Awakening Transformation. It’s such a powerful, eye-opening, heart-moving guide to taking significant steps toward where your life is now, to where you want it to be. You can order the book from any of your favorite online retailer.

Coming up in March, I’m hosting a weekend retreat that is truly a compliment to Sacred Powers. It’s called Manifesting Your Dream Life and if you were moved by the book, this weekend immersion will help you put it all into practice; help you examine what no longer serves you; and help you let go in a safe, intimate space. This week I’m offering $200 off the current tuition price for members of the Sweetspot Community.

Send me an email at if you’d like to join me at the Meditation Nest in the Sweetspot of the Universe in March. In the meantime, I’ll see you in the GAP. Peace. -davidji

Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior!

We all would like to turn back the clock to a moment in time or simply push the reset button to see if we might have better luck the second time around. In golf, they call it a mulligan, when your first shot goes into the woods, and you give yourself a second chance by teeing the ball up one more time. In dermatology, it’s called rejuvenation, when the damage of a lifetime of aging is repaired and damaged tissues are replaced.

But we are multidimensional Beings. And for most of us, the new beginnings we seek are far beyond hitting a golf ball or renewing our skin cells. We seek the true REbirthing of many aspects of our emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual selves. We long for the creation of new memories, new desires, new choices, and new dreams.

You’ve learned a lot over the course of your life. And if you could apply all that wisdom to your current circumstances and have a fresh start in just one area, your life would truly transform in magnificent ways.

REbirth is a spiritual homecoming—our returning to the memory of our wholeness before we carved out all the ruts, climbed the mountains, crawled up from the abysses, trudged across the valleys, slid down the hills, and fell down rabbit holes.

All these experiences have provided strength and wisdom, but we don’t need to hold onto the staleness of their trajectory. Even in the smallest of issues and the tiniest of concerns, you are worthy of a second chance. You are entitled to a new beginning!

Mantra: Om moksha ritam

Download this guided meditation to your library here.

OMG Spiritual Warriors… it’s 2018! It’s really here! Now what?

As January unfolds, I’ll be leading a workshop for the first time in Las Vegas at TruYoga Jan. 12-14; then in San Diego, for the first ever MEDITATED & LIBERATED workshop Jan. 17-21; and then later in the month I’m kicking off my Canadian Sacred Powers book tour in Toronto (stay tuned for details)!!!

So much has happened over the past 365 days – highs & lows, challenges & breakthroughs, movement & stagnation, sadness & celebration, beginnings & endings, and through it all – we’ve grown, we’ve blossomed, and bloomed.

And here we are with a clean slate; an open plan with 364 new 24-hour periods manifest our dreams and desires.

Many times the days will go by, and suddenly it’s spring. Those personal agreements we made with ourselves will have drifted into the ether.

Why do we float away from the intentions that are so important to us? Back to our conditioned patterns; back into the habits that don’t serve us or our loved ones, our bosses, our partners. It’s just natural and human to revert to our conditioned stories and behaviors. But we can break out and change that now.

The key is putting our dreams out there and slowly, consistently growing into them. Step by step, bean by bean, growing into our dreams. And when we find ourselves reverting to our old “norm,” don’t beat up yourself — just take a baby step back to your dream.

So, in 2018 let’s dream magnificent dreams. Let’s play big!! Let’s set heroic trajectories and remind ourselves each day that the journey of 1,000 miles is accomplished by placing one foot in front of the other… step by step… one day at a time.

Let’s start by setting our course – making a commitment to show up each day and be present. Meditate every morning so that the seed of each day starts with stillness and silence and unfolds with infinite possibilities. Let’s lead with love, compassion, and forgiveness. And know that every decision is a choice between a grievance and a miracle. And then let’s place one foot in front of the other and celebrate the baby steps knowing they are miraculous and will deliver us to where we want to be with grace and ease.


Join me in making the commitment to make 2018 the most amazing year of our lives. Ready? I’ll see you in the gap!! Peace. -davidji

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