Archives for June 2018

Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior!!!

I love this photo. It was taken during my week-long retreat in Maya Tulum. Shanti Maria, a Mayan shaman, led us in a powerful, release ceremony that cleansed our souls.

We’re going back to Maya Tulum this November. I’d be honored if you joined me. Wherever you are in your life – you know there’s something deeper resting inside – a magnificent energy… something precious… something powerful … a divine goddess waiting to be birthed.

During this transformative week with me, you will have an opportunity to tap into this energy – connect to your native powers – and awaken the life you were truly meant to live! Fear may have held you back in the past; perhaps you dimmed your light to keep a relationship, a job, or your sanity; maybe you’ve just been playing small or struggling with self-worth…

Maybe you’ve been overwhelmed, procrastinating or simply making excuses for why you can’t thrive, soar, and achieve all you dream & desire. The dark space you fear to enter holds the precious riches you seek. So let me help you illuminate it. Let me help you shift your path, shatter your limiting beliefs, and awaken your best version.

You can learn more about this all-inclusive, epic retreat here >>

This weekend let’s return to our most divine, infinite state — stoke the fire of emotional freedom. Allow yourself to surrender to the fire of transformation — let go of what no longer serves you — and invite your true self to shine through. Forgive and love yourself with this meditation. Let’s ignite the emotional fire together, Warriors!

Mantra: Om Agni Moksha

Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior!!!

The things in your life that limit you are actually self-imposed, and we have a choice to hold onto them or let them go. Whether it be a job, mindset, or a relationship the many aspects of our life can begin to constrict us if we let them. Not seeing all that life has to offer in every moment means that we are constricted with a narrow view of the world. In this meditation you will release the constriction and reboot your abundance!

Let’s flow with gratitude & abundance this weekend… dance in the possibilities, take that next step, no matter how small.

“Bean by bean, the bag get’s filled.” Enjoy this weekend’s guided meditation.

Peace. -davidji

Mantra: Sat Chit Ananda

Are you ready to go even deeper with me on this meditation journey?


My brand new online course is now available!

Over 37 video trainings, you’ll become a rockstar meditator and reap the amazing benefits of meditation in all areas of your life. Plus, you’ll receive additional bonus materials to support you as we journey together on the path toward Becoming Calm, Clear & Truly Happy.

For a limited time, this special course is over 50% off.

Click here to learn more >>

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source!

Acceptance is a beautiful teaching with many different levels. It is the root and the foundation of many wisdom traditions including Buddhist compassion teachings, the ancient Hindu Law of Least Effort, and Christ Consciousness. But regardless of your orientation to these belief systems, you can find powerful, personal evolution by awakening the Sacred Power of Acceptance in your life. There are three core levels of acceptance, and we instantly shift every aspect of our being by:

Level 1. Accepting that this moment is perfect, pure, whole, and every moment that has led to this moment was exactly the way it was meant to be. This moment is the magnificent culmination of all of your life choices; every experience that has woven itself in, around, and through you; and every one of the 31 million seconds that have ticked by in just this year alone! It couldn’t be any other way.

Level 2. Accepting that you are a divine being who is sealed in this human body for the span of a lifetime and that you have made choices and decisions throughout your life from your highest level of consciousness at the time. Even though there are choices you may regret or torture yourself about, they are carved in stone and we must accept them, forgive ourselves, and make better choices in the future.

Level 3. Accepting others for who they are – not as we wish they would be. Allowing people’s differences, quirks, unique vibrations to just be and not necessarily fit into our box of how the world is supposed to be. Allowing others to be as they are.

When you awaken the Sacred Power of Acceptance, you finally recognize that wherever you are, every moment of the past is carved in stone and for you to evolve your life, improve your situation, or find deeper fulfillment you must own the present moment.

Level 2 is where so many of us get stuck. By nature, we are our own toughest critic; we know all the moments where we felt less-than, or were sloppy, lazy, or casual with our words or decisions. We know those times when we were unsure of which road to take and we guessed “wrong.” We know where we could have been better, or stronger, or wiser, or more patient, or more truthful, or more engaged. But in that moment, we didn’t know it. We didn’t have access to a crystal ball showing us consequences; or maybe we didn’t take the time to really explore the depth of our actions or choices.

So right now we have two very clear ways to live life. We can either:

  1. Beat ourselves up for not being clairvoyant and diminish the happiness in our lives by pointing a continuous finger of blame at ourselves; or
  2. Accept the past as a lesson – a profound preparation for all that is to come – so that we can make better choices and find deeper fulfillment in life.

Keep meditating and I’ll see you in the gap!!! Peace. -davidji

Are you ready to go even deeper with me on this meditation journey?


My brand new online course is now available!

Over 37 video trainings, you’ll become a rockstar meditator and reap the amazing benefits of meditation in all areas of your life. Plus, you’ll receive additional bonus materials to support you as we journey together on the path toward Becoming Calm, Clear & Truly Happy.

For a limited time, this special course is over 50% off.

Click here to learn more >>

Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior! My ultimate online meditation training Calm, Clear and Truly Happy starts THIS Monday!

If you have difficulty sticking with your practice or don’t feel meditation works for you, this course will change everything. Over 4 weeks, I teach you almost effortless meditation techniques and help you develop a practice that’s so enjoyable you’ll actually want to do it. Click here to get Calm, Clear and Truly Happy.

We already have several hundred people enrolled from all over the world. Here’s what just a few of them are saying…

“WOW! I just bought the course and I’m so excited to begin! I’ve been meditating on and off for the past year, and I would really like to lock down my practice!”~Angelina

“Just bought davidji’s new online course and I can’t wait to begin! The free videos have really made me excited to what other content davidji has available. What a great program!” ~Catie

“So excited to begin davidji’s online course!! I have been listening to davidji for years and his free videos have convinced me that I really can meditate with ease!” ~Susan

I’d be so honored to have YOU join us too! To celebrate the launch of the course, you’ll get 50% off the regular price. You can go here to enroll!

Always remember….

You’re beautiful! You’re doing a great job! And I love you!


 width=P.S. If you missed any of the free training videos I released last week, go here. This give you a small taste of what I teach in this in-depth Calm, Clear and Truly Happy training.

Dear (Lord, God, Universe, Higher power, divine creator, or whatever feels right to you):
Grant me the serenity to ACCEPT THE THINGS I CANNOT CHANGE.

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source in which we tackle the only constant in the universe – change!

Sometimes we get upset, angry, disappointed, or defeated when life unfolds differently than we anticipated. And how we respond to this non-stop flow of change that sweeps through us each day becomes the fabric of our life. It can offer us “aha! moments,” breakthroughs in stuck thinking, acceleration in the direction of our goals, opening of our heart, and it can also lead us to sadness, depression, resentment, regret, and in extreme cases, even shutting down, paralysis and withdrawing.

Change is a natural part of life, and we all face it at one time or another. Most of us are continually adjusting our behaviors, expectations, and personal desires making small tweaks that reflect our changing needs or interests. Some have even become time-honored rituals such as family reunions, seasonal cleanses, cleaning out closets, or going on retreat.

Change is the very first seed of personal transformation. So why run from it, when you can understand the power it offers you?

Our Response to Change
How you respond to change often depends on the results you think it will bring, such as excitement if you think it will bring a positive flow into your life, or sadness if you perceive that something you were used to is gone or will be gone. You may feel excited about change that involves a gain, such as a new baby, new house, new client, or a promotion to a new rank. But you may worry about a change that involves a loss, such as divorce, leaving a job, death, illness, moving to a new phase of your life.

Accepting a sudden, unexpected change – like divorce, a diagnosis, a death, being fired, someone you love being hurt, something you are attached to being taken away or shifted, or being transferred – can be the most jarring. You wake up and your world is different, or when tragedy strikes, our lives can shift in the blink of an eye. That’s because we paint our world with a brush of consistency even though we know that life is filled with inconsistencies.

What Do I Really Control?
We are all subtle control freaks! (Some of us not so subtle). And when we think we have lost control, then fear, anger, anxiety, stress, and disappointment set in. But if we can accept an uncontrollable change for what it is, accept the reality that we do not have full control over what happens in life, then it becomes easier to be graceful when change visits. If we can make small, incremental shifts towards the new scenario, we may suddenly realize that we are thriving.

We need to remind ourselves that if you don’t change…you don’t grow! The key is to go back to what we can control, such as our thoughts (through meditation); our words (through impeccable & conscious speech); and our purposeful, unconditioned actions (through, as the Buddha said, right action…coming from a place of stillness and patience).

The Silver Lining in Change
Change – even if we don’t want it in the moment – can be beneficial. Change brings us new opportunities to evolve, adapt, and move beyond limiting beliefs. In every change is a lesson. In every change is an opening for something new, letting go of the old, stepping into something fresh, letting go of the stale, being open to the unexpected, stepping beyond limits. In every change we are reminded that we are an integrated thread in the universal fabric of existence – ever changing, ever merging. As one door closes, a new one opens. As one chapter ends, a new one begins. And this wild freight train of existence keeps on moving.

We’ve all heard Gandhi’s quote, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” For the next few weeks, let’s repeat the mantra, “I am the change!“ with all that it brings and with all its scariness, uncertainty, loss of control, and transformational power. So rather than resist and point at the change coming at us, let’s embrace the mantra “I am the change!“ and let’s implement our own changes.

Are you ready to step into this new magnificent wave and ride it? The moment you feel a constriction that takes your breath away, scares you, or inhibits you, silently repeat the mantra and see how it shifts you.

The Process of Moving Through Change
There actually is a science of change & a process to move through it and thrive. I’ve written about it in “destressifying“ and I teach it at my Healing Immersions. It requires a daily practice of quiet contemplation, reflection, releasing what no longer serves you, clarity development, setting intentions, taking action steps, and making a commitment to living your dream. But we can start the innocent unfolding of our relationship to change with a simple yet powerful tool.

First, let’s find out where you are right now? Are you struggling? Resisting? Hiding? Procrastinating? Suffering? Making poor decisions or non-nourishing choices due to your relationship with change?

As the twists and turns of life unfold, we often struggle or suffer with how we receive change, understand it, respond to it, cope with it and move through it. Our response to change can impact every facet of our being as we freeze, defend, protect, withdraw or wallow. But we can gracefully deal with change and powerfully shift towards turning this constant fact of life into powerful transformation.

This is why I regularly recite the serenity prayer. And, whether you believe in God or not, understanding the serenity prayer can make a huge difference in how we receive existence. The prayer goes like this:

For the next few weeks, let’s commit to starting our day reciting the serenity prayer. That wisdom to know the difference, will help us soar through change. In the meantime, I’ll see you in the gap.

Peace. -davidji

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