davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

Ignite the Fire of Transformation Weekend Meditation

Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior!!!

I love this photo. It was taken during my week-long retreat in Maya Tulum. Shanti Maria, a Mayan shaman, led us in a powerful, release ceremony that cleansed our souls.

We’re going back to Maya Tulum this November. I’d be honored if you joined me. Wherever you are in your life – you know there’s something deeper resting inside – a magnificent energy… something precious… something powerful … a divine goddess waiting to be birthed.

During this transformative week with me, you will have an opportunity to tap into this energy – connect to your native powers – and awaken the life you were truly meant to live! Fear may have held you back in the past; perhaps you dimmed your light to keep a relationship, a job, or your sanity; maybe you’ve just been playing small or struggling with self-worth…

Maybe you’ve been overwhelmed, procrastinating or simply making excuses for why you can’t thrive, soar, and achieve all you dream & desire. The dark space you fear to enter holds the precious riches you seek. So let me help you illuminate it. Let me help you shift your path, shatter your limiting beliefs, and awaken your best version.

You can learn more about this all-inclusive, epic retreat here >>

This weekend let’s return to our most divine, infinite state — stoke the fire of emotional freedom. Allow yourself to surrender to the fire of transformation — let go of what no longer serves you — and invite your true self to shine through. Forgive and love yourself with this meditation. Let’s ignite the emotional fire together, Warriors!

Mantra: Om Agni Moksha

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