You Are Stronger than Your Worst F.E.A.R.
When we hear the voice in our head telling us we are less than or not worthy, we need to know that the word TRUST can be re-configured into STRUT!
Quick Tip for Centering Yourself in the Moment
When we introduce a pattern interrupt into our flow of thoughts, we can gently step aside from the uneasy memories of the past or the anxious thoughts of the future – and truly ground ourselves back into the present moment – our bodymind moves beyond all that irritation, anger, discomfort, anxiety, less-than, or “it’s not fair” thinking.
Remember: You Were Born Perfect and Pure and Whole
The Divine Principle of One has existed for eternity infusing virtually every philosophy, religion, family, community, and nation on earth with its most sacred value and core belief—we are all one.
Where Can We Find the Silence?
For most of us, between the 60,000-80,000 thoughts we receive each day & the millions of vibrations that flow into our ear canal from our environment, there isn’t a lot of silence.
Every Athlete, CEO, Cop, Soldier, Parent, Student… Should Do This
As the pace of technology in brain-imaging software increases, we are finally able to look deep into the brain and see what happens when someone meditates.
6-Minute Anxiety Buster Weekend Meditation
Happy weekend, spiritual warrior! I’m gearing up for my European tour through the Netherlands, Ireland & the UK, which begins next week. Suddenly the deadlines, the emails, the packing, the schedule coordinating is starting to come at me at lightening speed. But will I let all the chaos overwhelm me? Not a chance!!! I have […]
Healing Begins Now
You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it. ―Maya Angelou Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source. Adversity can also be […]
Maintaining Focus & Clarity Weekend Meditation
Photo Credit: Todd Huffman via Compfight cc Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior! I’m in the middle of an epic adventure jet setting from San Diego to Texas to Amsterdam to Dublin to Cork to Utrecht. Follow me on Instagram to see the world from my eyes! Traveling the world, meeting new people, experiencing new cultures… it’s […]
Mastering Uncertainty Weekend Meditation
Mantra: Om Moksha Ritam Happy weekend Spiritual Warrior!!! Let’s allow clarity to unfold this weekend by settling uncertainty about something in your life that is creating anxiety, pain, or emotional turbulence. We can start this process by identifying a starting point and an end point of the issue, which allows us to begin to grasp […]
Getting Lighter Weekend Meditation
Happy weekend, spiritual warrior! Join me this weekend in getting lighter. This week we’ve been exploring several scientific studies that I outline in my book “destressifying.” You can watch my most recent video on the subject here. Researchers have shown that a regular meditation practice actually changes the physical structure of our brains by shrinking that […]