Planting Subtle Intentions Guided Meditation

One powerful, tangible result is that these affirmations ripple through our awareness all day long and the practice will help you to be a more conscious choice maker.
Power of Intention Guided Meditation
Welcome to a brand new week! It’s easy to get confused over setting an intention. Should it be big? Or small? Attainable? Or beyond reach? Should it be about me or another person? But if the definition of intention is simply to have in mind a purpose or plan to direct the mind—to aim—then there […]
Dream into Destiny Weekend Meditation

Happy weekend, spiritual warriors! “San kalpa” is an intention, a positive affirmation. Plant an intention you’d like to see unfold. Invite it into your awareness. Welcome it, and open yourself to your destiny. Let’s make dreams come true. What does it mean to plant the seeds in fertile soil? It means inviting your intentions into […]
Letting Go of a Dream

Happy weekend, spiritual warriors! It’s been said that our dreams are the whispers of the universe flowing from our heart while we sleep. Only when our bodies and our minds relax to a place of pure stillness and silence do dreams begin to unfold. Sometimes the dreams are direct reflections of what’s going on in […]
Improving on the Silence
Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source!!! What code do you live by? Maybe it’s the Ten Commandments or the Four Agreements or the Seven Spiritual Laws. Or perhaps you live by the Golden Rule or the Three Gates. We’ve explored these codes over the past few months and here’s another one – The […]
Our Desires Can Become Our Reality

Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be opened. –Luke 11:9 Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source in which we discover that our desires can become reality!!! You have your dreams and visions and have been setting your intentions. Now it’s times for reflection and […]
The Power of Intention Weekend Meditation

Happy Weekend, Spiritual Warrior!!! What does it mean to plant the seeds in fertile soil? It means creating a sweet, still garden and then inviting your intentions into the nourishing womb of creation that rests within. It means selecting one intention at a time and giving your self the room to marinate on it in […]
The Power of Setting Intentions
Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source… let’s explore the difference between attention & intention. So what is an intention exactly? One definition is to have in mind a purpose or plan – to direct the mind – to aim. And I say WHY NOT AIM HIGH?! So here’s what we’re going to do. […]
From Dimmer to Shimmer Weekend Meditation

Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior!!! Let’s take our dimmer to shimmer!!! Today is not the day to play small; it’s not the day dim your light; it’s not the day to let your dreams drift away. Today is the day to step up!!! Give yourself permission to thrive, to soar, to flow, and to express the […]
Awaken Your Best Version Weekend Meditation

Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior!!! Welcome to this week’s guided meditation. Each day, we SELF-domesticated ourselves as we created agreements in our mind of who we should and shouldn’t be, and what we should and shouldn’t do. And at a certain point that became engrained into every muscle in our body – every fiber of our […]