davidji's Blog

My Morning Meditation Practice (Set Powerful Intentions for the Day!) – 25 Minute Guided Meditation

Hello Spiritual Warrior, today we’ll dive into my morning meditation practice. So, let’s settle in, breathe, ask sacred questions, and set powerful intentions for the rest of the day.

Many of us have specific rituals that we do each morning. Some of us practice yoga, pray, or meditate. Others ask reflective questions or repeat affirmations, and others do heart-opening exercises. These ritualized behaviors are essential to beginning our day on the right path, subtly setting the course that our day will follow.

Starting your day with a meditation ritual provides the perfect environment for your intentions to embed and for your day to unfold with greater grace and greater ease.

When we set an intention and go into meditation, it’s like planting a seed and then going into the garden to cultivate it with quietude. Now we have a seed pregnant with possibilities, a seed with a built-in manifestation being planted into a vibrationally fertile environment that will help it thrive.

Ritual + Meaning = Transformation

In this 25 minute meditation, my morning meditation practice, we will honor the power of starting the day with ritual and introspection.  You will create a powerful trajectory for you to move through your day with calm, clarity, decisiveness, and the strength to make new bold, fearless choices.

From this moment forward, your day will be filled with intention, grace and ease.

Inspiration for cultivating your own daily practice

I’ll go through my personal morning meditation practice in this meditation, but you can also formulate your own morning ritual using these five transformational daily practices. These can be used individually or in combination.

Cultivating a morning meditation practice offers you an opportunity to cultivate attention, intention, and action for the rest of your day. These are powerful tools for personal transformation: 

  1. Ask Sacred Questions – who am I? what does my heart truly long for? what am I grateful for? 
  2. Plant Intentions – this could be a single word affirmation, a state of mind, or an action you would like to take or see unfold in your life. 
  3. Repeat a Sacred Affirmation or Mantra – This mantra or affirmation can be repeated in Sanskrit or your native language. It can relate to your intention, or it can be the mantra you always use like your Nakshatra birth star mantra.
  4. Meditate  – Do the actual meditation – which means sitting in stillness and silence anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes. 
  5. Begin Your Day – There is no running to or from meditation, so take your time to wrap up your morning meditation practice. As much intention you put into beginning the ritual, honor the end just as much. 

More On Asking Sacred Questions…

morning meditationWe begin our day by finding a comfortable place to sit or lie down. We settle in, place our hands on our hearts, and begin the practice of asking the Sacred Questions.

Simply ask the first question over and over for about a minute, and let answers innocently flow. Don’t force! Then do the same with the second question, then the third. Spend up to a minute with each question. When you have completed the process, take a long, slow, deep breath in, and release all the questions and any answers that arose.

Then invite an intention into your mind. Get clear on it, invite it into your heart, and plant that intention like a seed in the fertile soil of your heart. Then breathe in deeply, and let it go as you exhale. Leave it up to the Universe to work out all the details.

And Planting Intentions… 

Then invite your intention into your awareness. Allow it to crystallize. And when you are clear on it, invite it into your heart. Begin a gentle, slow process of deep breathing as you see it clearly move into your heart; and keep breathing deeply. Envision your endgame, your goal, your target.

Notice how manifesting your intention makes you feel . . . in your body, in your mind, in your heart. Slowly witness the progressive steps you will need to take to bring you to that moment – the behaviors, conversations, actions you need to do.

What does it look like when it has manifested?

How does it feel when it has actually become a reality?

Visualize the whole process unfolding from the very first seed until its fulfillment. Own it all. And then plant your intention like a seed deep in your heart. Take a deep breath in to anchor it . . . and let it go. You don’t need to think about it anymore.

From this moment forward, every time you connect with the stillness and silence inside your heart, you will strengthen the intention and activate its birth in your life. And begin to repeat your mantra – birth star, Sanskrit mantra, English mantra, or something else. 

Morning Meditation Practice 

Now that you’ve set the table by asking your Sacred Questions, letting answers flow, inviting your intention into your heart, and releasing it out into the Universe, it’s time to meditate.

Whenever we plant a seed, we first burrow it in fertile soil. Then we water it, and we trust that the seed will grow. When we meditate, we take a “time-in”. We allow the outside world to simply be. We release our grip on how we believe everything is supposed to unfold. We till the soil that will hold our seed and make it as fertile as possible.

Meditation is our incubation period, where we quiet our body and mind. Once we’ve planted our intention and released it, we trust the Master Plan of the Universe to work out the details.

Early morning practice cultivates the soil of our existence so that our intentions will have a garden to flourish. So, let’s go through that process right now with this week’s morning meditation practice.

I’ve found immense value in this practice and I hope you will too. Get comfortable, settle in, and let’s dive deep!

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Sending you expansive love, personal growth, and health. Be well.

Namaste. -davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess

selena isles


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Montreal, Canada

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