davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

Power of Intention Guided Meditation


Welcome to a brand new week! It’s easy to get confused over setting an intention. Should it be big? Or small? Attainable? Or beyond reach? Should it be about me or another person? But if the definition of intention is simply to have in mind a purpose or plan to direct the mind—to aim—then there is no right or wrong way to approach it. We get to choose every aspect of our intention! That’s right. In every moment, we get to determine where we place our attention, and then, most important, what we will do with it.

The Divine Principle of Awareness teaches us to aim at one target at a time. A common misunderstanding regarding intention setting is that the more targets we can aim at, the higher the likelihood that our arrow will hit the mark. This couldn’t be further from the truth. If we are looking for real transformation, we need to embrace the concept of single-pointedness of intention. If your seed is right about to nestle into the stillness of your heart and soul, and you interrupt that process by bringing in another seed, and then another, and then another, the stillness vanishes in the swirl of activity.

Our intentions can be as tiny as taking a deep breath in the midst of a challenging moment and as big as surrendering to the divine plan of the Universe. There’s no right or wrong. We get to choose. But whatever intention we decide on can be fueled only by action.

Peace. -davidji

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