Life Tools: The 6 Stages to a Present Moment Experience Hello, Spiritual Warrior! Developing and maintaining a meditation practice doesn’t have to be a struggle! Let’s look at the basics – the six stages to create a present moment experience. Settling – the first stage is to settle in. Remember one of my mantras – Comfort is Queen! You don’t need all the […]
Life Tools: How to Trust the Universe Spiritual Warrior, Allowing the universe to work with us as we walk the path of our lives can only happen when we embrace the sacred power of TRUST. We must trust that this moment is perfect, because every moment is perfect, even those moments that happened that we didn’t like. It all brought us to the here […]
Empower Your Essence: 21-Minute Guided Meditation for Awakening Your Best Version
Empower Your Essence: Awakening Your Best Version Before settling in for this meditation, remember that Comfort is Queen, and so I invite you to feather your nest and settle into the sacred space of your heart. We begin this meditation with a few sacred questions before setting an intention – planting a seed into the […]
Progress, Not Perfection
Be your best version Hello, Spiritual Warrior! In Leonard Cohen’s hit song, Anthem, he sings Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything – that’s how the light gets in. Newsflash: if you are human, you are not perfect! Yet if we can just make […]
16-Minute Guided Meditation Always Do Your Best
The rest of my life will be the best of my life. Always Do Your Best Please enjoy this 16-minute meditation on Always Doing Your Best. In the Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz tells the story of a man who wanted to transcend his suffering. So he goes to a Buddhist temple to find […]
20-Minute Guided Meditation Connecting to Tantra
Tantra is meditation. Tantra means intimacy – with the self, with others, and intimacy with the divine universe, and intimacy with oneness. How do we touch oneness? By surrendering. It’s a letting go. Tantra is meditation. When we let ourselves merge from the intellectual aspect of our being, we surrender into our heart, and all […]
Core Principles of Meditation
Principles of Meditation Hello, Spiritual Warrior! Meditation isn’t just some woo-woo thing that we do to connect to our spiritual side. There is so much scientific proof that meditation is good for us! In this video, I break down the scientific benefits of meditation as well as share some other valuable tips to help you […]
17-Minute Guided Meditation What is Mantra
A mantra is a mind vehicle, or mind instrument. What is Mantra? Please enjoy this 17-minute meditation on what mantra is and means. In Sanskrit, man means mind, and tra means vehicle, or instrument. A mantra is a mind vehicle, or a mind instrument. We use a mantra as an object of our attention, […]
What is Mantra?
Glimpsing the Soul Hello, Spiritual Warrior! This week we are diving into the topic of mantra – our mind vehicle (or instrument), and how powerful reciting mantra can be for us. Mantra has been used in countless traditions – hinduism, buddhism, sikhism, jainism, tantrism, they are meant to be repeated over and over and over […]
18-Minute Guided Meditation Reflecting on our Karma
Karma means Action. Reflecting on our Karma Please enjoy this 18-minute meditation dedicated to karma. Karma means Action. Every action creates a memory – a samskara – and every memory leads to a desires, called vasanas. Every desire then leads us to another action – another karma. Picture a giant row of dominoes that ultimately […]