davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

16-Minute Guided Meditation Always Do Your Best

The rest of my life will be the best of my life.

Always Do Your Best

Please enjoy this 16-minute meditation on Always Doing Your Best. 

In the Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz tells the story of a man who wanted to

transcend his suffering. So he goes to a Buddhist temple to find a Master to help. 

He asks him, “Master, if I meditate four hours a day, how long will it take me to transcend?”

The Master looked at him and said, “If you meditate four hours a day, perhaps you will transcend in ten years.”

Thinking he could do better, the man then said, “Oh Master, what if I meditated eight hours a day, how long will it take me to transcend?”

The Master looked at him and said, “If you meditate eight hours a day, perhaps you will transcend in twenty years.”

“But why will it take me longer if I meditate more?” the man asked.

The Master replied, 

“You are not here to sacrifice your joy or your life. You are here to live, to be happy and to love. If you can do your best in two hours of meditation, but you spend eight hours instead, you will only grow tired, miss the point, and you won’t enjoy your life.”

Trying too hard or not  trying hard enough is where we get off track.

Finding that sweetspot where we are just trying our best,  is how we live our best lives.

One of the best ways to get there is to come from a place of stillness and silence – without our conditioning driving us from moment to moment – so please join me right here and now to tap into that sacred space of presence.

We will use the mantra Aham Brahmasmi, which means I Am the Universe. When we transcend our ‘human-ness’ and remember that we are a divine being, we are able to let go of all of the DO-ing and allow ourselves to rest in the light of our BE-ing.

Thank you for taking this time to meditate with me today. I’ll see you in the gap.

Namaste. – davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess

P.S. Don’t forget to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to my channels to keep your ripple flowing in our community & support this content!!! Check out my Mind Shift membership too 🙂 Sending you peace, presence and surrender to the divine within you. Be well.

infinite possibilities photo

Namaste. -davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess

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