davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

Merge into Oneness & Connect with Your Divine Intuition Today – 15 Minute Guided Meditation

Hello Spiritual Warrior, in this guided meditation we will merge into oneness and begin the process of connecting with the divinity within you.

You are pure, whole and perfect. But sometimes, things can happen in our life that make us feel less than perfect – that’s adversity. And this is a natural part of life, but it’s still important to know how to work with these feelings.

But, adversity can be the seed of a new beginning or a chance to see ourselves and our lives from a fresh perspective. You don’t have to stay stuck in a place of feeling bad about yourself – don’t live in that mindset! 

Yet, pain can be a powerful motivator. Sometimes in the wake of a tragedy, trauma, or unexpected disappointment, we can dig deep—deeper than we ever imagined—and step beyond our preconceived limitations.

merge into onenessWhen you merge into oneness, you can find additional support too. It’s the support that comes from within – deep within – from your most genuine self – which is pure and perfect and whole and enlightened.

This is the part of you that knows no separation from source – only knows love, compassion, forgiveness, and light – it only knows wholeness and sees all things as ONE. And you are this divinity. There is no true separation, only illusory. 

In this 15 minute guided meditation, you will connect to that place within you and merge into oneness. There is nowhere else to be, nothing else to do, expect be here in this sacred, precious, present moment. And as you follow along in this meditation, as we settle in, breathe, and stay present, you may have a flicker of the oneness, or the divine, that rests within you. 

We’ll use the ancient mantra ayam atma brahma – which means my soul and the Universal Spirit are one. Merge into oneness, connect to Source, and discover the perfection that rests within. 

In the meantime, remember to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to my channels to keep your ripple flowing in our community & support this content!!! None of this is possible without YOU! And I am so incredibly grateful for your support.

Better yet, go deeper into the community by joining the MIND SHIFT membership. This is the perfect place to access my 100+ guided meditations, exclusive videos, workbook exercises and more! All curated in one easy to use layout which is all available from the Kajabi app. 

Let’s keep this journey going together. We transform the world by transforming ourselves.

Namaste. -davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess


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Selena I.
Montreal, Canada

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