davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

Emotional Healing Starts Right Now – 15 Minute Guided Meditation

Hello Spiritual Warrior! Allow this 15 minute meditation to nourish your journey of emotional healing.

I recently dedicated an entire month to emotional healing in my MindShift Membership. And it’s a core topic of many of my in-person and virtual retreats.

“I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”  ―Oscar Wilde

A gentle start to the the process of emotional healing is to sit with your emotions as they arise and let them unfold – to truly feel them!

When you suppress emotions, you’re likely to express them inadvertently in other avenues by being snide, sarcastic, snarky, retaliatory, biting, harsh, or downright mean to people who had nothing to do with your initial frustration.

emotional healingWe can rise above the constriction by taking time for emotional healing, by learning to sit with our emotions and working toward “owning” these three tools: 

  1. Be able to correctly perceive and label emotions
  2. Comprehend emotions and understand what they mean and how that should influence your actions
  3. Effectively adjust emotions to promote personal development, growth, and healing

If you don’t know how you feel or why you feel a certain way, you will experience emotional overwhelm or confusion and won’t be able to communicate effectively, meet your needs, or resolve disagreements.

But if we master our emotional intelligence, we will flow with less stress and make better decisions.

And, the more successful we are at heightening these core skill sets, the happier and more fulfilled we will be.

Emotional healing is emotional awareness!!! Which is sometimes referred to as EQ or EI – emotional intelligence. 

Before I ever shared these teachings with others, I studied emotional healing for a decade under Dr. David Simon, and attended the Hoffman Institute, where I was taught to deconstruct my emotional blue print.

I then spent five years, reconstructing it. 

I began integrating these powerful teachings (and my own experience) into my workshops, immersions, retreats, and Teacher Trainings where thousands have experienced emotional breakthroughs and stepped into their power.

Thankfully, our emotional intelligence can be learned, cultivated and mastered. Emotional intelligence is key to meeting your needs and moving forward in life. 

To go deeper into your own emotional healing, I invite you to join me for  an upcoming event with the davidji Meditation Academy. Come to Carlsbad, California or opt for an event with a virtual option.

Wondering if Meditation Teacher Training is right for you? Learn more here. 

In the meantime, remember to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to my channels to keep your ripple flowing in our community & support this content!!! And I am so incredibly grateful for YOU!

Let’s keep this journey going together. We transform the world by transforming ourselves.

Namaste. -davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess


“This is the magic of davidji – his energy. Even if you’ve never met him, he ripples out exactly what is best for you in the moment. It will feel like he is speaking directly to you… and that makes his membership so priceless.” 

Selena I.
Montreal, Canada

It feels like everyone has a membership in this day and age of online living… there are courses, classes, exercises… sooooo much.

And maybe you have subscribed, and maybe you got bored and moved on. I feel you… but this is different.

The MIND SHIFT membership is unlike any other membership out there.

Not only will you lock down a nourishing DAILY SPIRITUAL PRACTICE with continuous support from me & the open-hearted group of fellow spiritual warriors.

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The MIND SHIFT Membership is how you can get my newest, most exclusive content.

PLUS you’ll get access to the Guided Meditation Vault with tons of meditations hand-picked by me on every topic imaginable – and it will keep growing!

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