Taking Your Life to the Next Level: 17-Minute Guided Meditation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XZdGlVJ0qU Hello, Spiritual Warrior! In every moment, we have a choice. And that choice is to choose a grievance, or a miracle.  Every moment leading up to this moment is perfect, and although you may not like everything that has happened before, it has all led you to where you are right now. And right […]

End Negative Thinking, Worry and Anxiety – 20 Minute Guided Meditation

In this 20 minute meditation, you will end your negative thinking, worrying, or any thoughts that have been cycling through your mind on a loop. Time to relax and unwind. You can use this meditation before bed, to start your day, or as a mid afternoon reset. Use this as a pattern interrupt anytime of day!

Pure Bliss & Deep Relaxation – 15 Minute Guided Meditation

Meditation is the antidote to your stress! And with this deep relaxation meditation, you life will be enriched with the stillness and silence that you have been craving.  Soon enough you will be more grounded, centered, and ready to show up as your best version.

Awakening Your Power to Heal Guided Meditation

davidji meditation · Awakening Your Power to Heal Guided Meditation Today’s mantra is: Ananda Maya Moksha Surrender to the power of our own healing: the power of the word, the power of our thoughts, of the meaning we’ve given to things, the power they have over us and the power we have over them. We […]

Beditation #5 Weekend Meditation

Happy weekend, spiritual warrior! Remember, comfort is queen when we’re meditating. And, yes, you CAN meditate in bed — I call it Beditation!!! There are no rules that say you have to be sitting up straight, cross-legged, with your hands resting on your knees with palms to the air. Beditation is the perfect complement to […]

Opening Our Heart to Intimacy Weekend Meditation

Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior! Tantra is intimacy… intimacy with yourself, intimacy with your environment, intimacy with others, and intimacy with the divine…with the universe… with god. Tantra is meditation – stillness…silence…one-ness – the sacred precious moment. But in this kooky swirl of life we can lose sight of it and drift into the past and the […]

Breathing in Abundance Weekend Meditation

Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior!!! The things in your life that limit you are actually self-imposed, and we have a choice to hold onto them or let them go. Whether it be a job, mindset, or a relationship the many aspects of our life can begin to constrict us if we let them. Not seeing all […]