davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

Beditation #5 Weekend Meditation

Happy weekend, spiritual warrior!

Remember, comfort is queen when we’re meditating. And, yes, you CAN meditate in bed — I call it Beditation!!! There are no rules that say you have to be sitting up straight, cross-legged, with your hands resting on your knees with palms to the air. Beditation is the perfect complement to RPM — Rise Pee Meditate — and, it’s the perfect tool for those of us who tend to push the snooze button in the mornings.

Give it a try! This week, let’s focus on our breath.

Even your breathing can transform a stressful moment into a destressified one. When you’re feeling a bit harsh, or impatient, or judgmental, or angry… just slip into heart breathing. You can do this for a few minutes ANYTIME you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

You can practice it as a daily meditation ritual or as an in-the-moment stress buster. The clarity it brings and the sense of calm it invokes, softening to one-ness, will help you make better decisions about life, love, and purpose.

If you’re a beginning meditator, make sure that you don’t force the breath; just let it flow in and out and witness it. Use 16seconds, which is a form of four-part breathing, or simply follow your breath in and out. You can do this for as long as you like – one minute, five, ten, fifteen, thirty minutes – but start small so you don’t quickly get over-whelmed.

Enjoy! Peace. -davidji

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