davidji's Blog

Building Bridges Not Walls

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source.

Ayam atma brahma. (Atman and brahman are the same.)
–The ancient Mahavakyas, also called the great sayings

The Divine Principle of One is a natural law of the Universe . . . absolute, incontrovertible, and undeniable. All other laws of physics, math, science, and spirit spring from this defining principle of existence.

There is only One—and yet there is an infinite amount of its expression in our world—way beyond the nearly eight billion people who populate the planet. The divine thumbprint of the Universe rests embedded inside every particle, gust of wind, drop of water, blade of grass, and ray of light.

You are a magnificent and unique expression of this divine breath, flowing one-ness in every moment. And, yet, so often we look at our lives through a lens of separation, rarely recognizing the common threads that are woven through every aspect of our realities.

When you look at the world from the viewpoint of your own individuality, it’s easy to see yourself as a meaningless speck in the vastness of existence. Drill down farther and you are just one person out of the billions who populate earth.

When you go even deeper still, there are times when you believe that it’s just you, all alone. Sometimes it can be difficult to comprehend where we fit in the divine scheme of things.  As you lie awake in your bed at night, even if there is another person or animal lying next to you, it’s so easy to feel separate, even lonely.

But loneliness and aloneness are two very different concepts. When you are lonely, you are in a prison of sorts, feeling the pain of your separation. You yearn for another being to help you feel whole, another voice to listen to, another face to gaze upon, another body to feel, another person to soothe your aching feeling of estrangement.

When you are truly alone, you are whole – fully integrated into everything, liberated from your need to cling to another, released from any longing, and finally free to experience the ecstasy of your one-ness. In your wholeness, your Sacred Powers are fully awakened, and you have infinite choices at your fingertips that are not driven by some need to feel completed by another. In a state of true aloneness, joy is reawakened, your sense of divinity is restored, and you feel totally at home in your own skin—and delighted with your circumstance.

When you are in a state of divine aloneness, you can choose to either isolate yourself or connect with another, to surrender to your own magnificence or commune with someone else’s — build that bridge!

If you haven’t yet picked up a copy of Sacred Powers, do it this week and really explore the Divine Principle of One and journey away from the struggle and pain of feeling separate. Remember, we are not simply part of a collective of BEings. We are the same being.

Keep meditating and I’ll see you in the gap!!!

Namaste. -davidji

P.S. Check out this video on the Mahavakyas: