davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

2012 Was a Lesson in Trusting the Universe


2012 has been a wild and kooky year for me – my best friend and mentor left this planet, I left the sweet shelter of the Chopra Center to share the teachings around the world, Secrets of Meditation became a bestseller, Hay House Radio launched LIVE! From the SweetSpot, I hosted my own workshops in Maui, Encinitas, New Jersey, and Carlsbad, (and NYC in two days!), I was invited to share real-world meditation guidance on TV, radio, magazines, and online, my articles were published in the mainstream media, and I leapt into the unknown…the uncertain…the fresh…the new, the rich, the uncertain.

In my trusting the universe, I found something even more valuable than I could imagine – the outpouring of love and support from you…and thousands who reinforced that trust. I am deeply grateful that we are connected; I am humbled that we have shared the one-ness of present moment awareness together; and inspired that we are members of an evolving, global collective.

The teachings are simple; living them takes practice. Through trusting the universe and awakening each day to our most divine expressions, we will transform the world by transforming ourselves into more peaceful, compassionate, abundant, and loving individuals. The ripple from that is infinite.

From my sweetspot to yours, I send you blessings and deep gratitude.

Peace. -davidji

Cultivating Gratitude

In my trusting the universe, I found something even more valuable than I could imagine – the outpouring of love and support from you…and thousands who reinforced that trust. I am deeply grateful that we are connected; I am humbled that we have shared the one-ness of present moment awareness together; and inspired that we are members of an evolving, global collective.

The teachings are simple; living them takes practice. Through trusting the universe and awakening each day to our most divine expressions, we will transform the world by transforming ourselves into more peaceful, compassionate, abundant, and loving individuals. The ripple from that is infinite.

From my sweetspot to yours, I send you blessings and deep gratitude.

Peace. -davidji

Shrink Your Amygdala

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