davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

January Week 1 – Setting Your Course



I’m guessing that right now you have some kind of personal goals or intentions swirling around in your mind for 2013. Right? Maybe it’s a personal commitment that you’ve made to yourself, a vision board on your wall, a journal entry, a pact with a family member or friend, or perhaps some secret dream you’re hoping to manifest…you’re not alone…and realistically – NOW is the time to do it…to shed what’s no longer serving you and birth THE BEST EXPRESSION OF YOU!

Each of us have set good intentions during the transitioning of one year into the next and we coast…for a while…then life happens and we fall into old – if not new – patterns or blockages that step in our way. Why do we lift the anchor and float away from the intentions that are so important to us during this time? Drifting away from our personal needs right into the deep waters of what’s serving others; our bosses, our partners, our children, our fears…

It’s not a bad thing to serve others, it’s a great thing…but when we lose sight of who we are and what our natural humanistic needs are, we then heighten the tendency to build walls…to nurture obstacles…preventing us from staying in touch with our true self and hindering the fulfillment of the things that are most important to us.

In order for us to serve at the highest level, we need to be the best version of ourselves… the highest expression of YOU! This isn’t coming from a selfish place, it’s coming from the purest place of service. Knowing this, recognizing our choices, and owning them empowers not only ourselves to move forward with complete trust…free from fear and, at the same time, motivating everyone around us to do the same…our loved ones, kids, coworkers, employees…it’s contagious, magnetic…magic! As we set those intentions, own them, share them, and live the dream…YOUR dream!

This all sounds great in theory, right? But how do we translate this THEORY into REAL LIFE? The first step is making it REAL and PRACTICAL by exploring the five core areas of our life (listed below), and SETTING THE COURSE…and that’s what we’ll do for the next seven days – consider this as your week one.


Use me as your newfound anchor in keeping your navigation on course and creating YOUR perfect ritual. The thing about ritualization is that if we can commit to something for a minimum of 21 days, it will STICK – and when we add meaning to ritual it equals transformation. Doing stuff like this alone is scary – it helps to have a friend or a mirror or a guide as we begin to shift. So allow me to be your transformation anchor for the next five weeks…to help you KEEP IT REAL and motivate you to stay on task. Before you know it, it will be February and VOILA…you will have created, not only a powerful self-reflection ritual, but a meditation practice as well!! At the end of these 35 days, I’ll pass the baton back to you and your meditation practice and personal reflection will then be YOUR OWN ANCHOR!

Each week, I will send you a letter, a video, a personalized guided meditation, and a reminder to join me for an hour each week on hayhouseradio.com (where we’ll reinforce the next step in your weekly transformation).

Here’s the breakdown…

WEEK ONE – this week – let’s hone in on what you truly want in the five main areas of your life; the physical realm, emotional realm, material realm, relationship realm, and spiritual realm. You may want to write these down as they’ll be a part of your daily meditation practice as well. In this week’s guided meditation, we’ll gain clarity so we can authentically SET OUR COURSE!

LISTEN to davidji’s SET YOUR COURSE Guided Meditation NOW! This meditation is also available for purchase in the store.


Then, each week thereafter we’ll reinforce our dreams and desires in these five core REALMS as they apply to the remaining steps of TRANSFORMATION.

WEEK 2 – Taking a Chance on You

WEEK 3 – Setting Intentions

WEEK 4 – Moving Beyond Fear

WEEK 5 – Surrender & Trust

Don’t forget to tune into LIVE FROM THE SWEETSPOT! on hayhouseradio.com!

If you’re in…GREAT! I look forward to this journey with you and am honored to be your ritualization anchor!

How amazing will it be to truly launch into 2013 together, locking down our blueprint to the best version of ourselves. Remember, we transform the world by transforming ourselves.

Will you join me in making a commitment to make 2013 the most amazing year of your life? Wishing you a SWEET week one!!!

Peace, davidji


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