Struggling with Forgiveness? Here’s How to Lighten Your Heart
The ancient teachings remind us that when we forgive, we free ourselves from the threads that connect us to the one who hurt us. So start to loosen your grip on those threads.
Finding Your Own Divine Flow with the Universe
Many of Osho’s teachings irritated people, and many others found them irreverent. But at the end of the day, his purpose was to challenge us to reach deep within our souls and find our own constrictions.
This is How We Peel Away the Artificial Illusions of Separation
Many of the ageless spiritual teachings are based on the concept of the Divine Principle of One—the belief that there is no separation between anything.
How to Make Your Inner Fire Burn Brightly
If our fire is burning brightly, we trust, we listen, we stay fully present, and we risk being vulnerable. And, ideally, once we have absorbed all that we believe will nourish us, we release, sidestep, or let go of anything that will not serve us.
Remember: You Were Born Perfect and Pure and Whole
The Divine Principle of One has existed for eternity infusing virtually every philosophy, religion, family, community, and nation on earth with its most sacred value and core belief—we are all one.
End of Suffering Guided Meditation
In this week’s meditation we more deeply explore the Four Noble Truths.
Is It a Snake or a Rope?!? (Finding Clarity in the Moment)
If we choose to be even more patient with our choice-making process, we can take it one step further.
Soul Light Guided Meditation
Kleshas include states of mind such as anxiety, fear, anger, jealousy, desire, depression, etc.
Exploring the Magnificence of Ayurveda
As long as you proceed calmly, gently and with divine purpose, you will experience the life-affirming shift you are looking for without any side effects.
Where Can We Find the Silence?
For most of us, between the 60,000-80,000 thoughts we receive each day & the millions of vibrations that flow into our ear canal from our environment, there isn’t a lot of silence.