Practice Acceptance to Release Resistance
When we resist we don’t show up as our best version, but instead we can fall into non-nourishing thought patterns, lose our motivation, and feel as if we no longer have agency over our lives because external influences have become too overwhelming.
Transformation Through Surrender Guided Meditation
We live in a culture where being busy is better, and stillness can sometimes feel selfish, lazy, or unproductive. BUT, I’m here to tell you that meditation practices will actually help you show up more present, engaged and productive for all other realms of your life!
Current events: What is going on, and what can we do?
We must remember George Floyd – along with the way-too-long list of African American martyrs who have been slain out of fear, arrogance, entitlement, self-loathing, privilege, lack of presence, & preservation of the status quo.
(Self) Kindness Matters
Timeless wisdom teaches that the source of all kindness is self-kindness; the source of all compassion is self-compassion; the source of all forgiveness is self-forgiveness; and the source of all love is self-love.
Raising Our Vibration with 3 Simple Phrases
When these basic needs are not met, anxiety, sadness, detachment, pain, anger, depression, self-hatred and blame can begin to bubble up and manifest in our daily life.
Moving through Grief and Loss with Greater Grace, Ease
But there is another side to the story… integrating the magnificent gifts you’ve received from what you’ve lost – the sweet memories, the joys of your past, the special moments – and that magnificence is something to celebrate.
What does it mean to live with more acceptance?
When you awaken the Sacred Power of Acceptance, you finally recognize that wherever you are, every moment of the past is carved in stone and for you to evolve your life, improve your situation, or find deeper fulfillment you must own the present moment.
Living with Less Judgement – Key to the Divine Principle of One
With so many people on the planet, it’s often impossible to comprehend that you share the essence of a tribal warrior 10,000 miles away. Or that your soul and the soul of some violent dictator in another country are one. But at your core, you are whole and one with everything in existence and everything that has ever existed.
Struggling with Forgiveness? Here’s How to Lighten Your Heart
The ancient teachings remind us that when we forgive, we free ourselves from the threads that connect us to the one who hurt us. So start to loosen your grip on those threads.
Shifting into Your Next Gear Guided Meditation
It’s a new week, spiritual warriors!!! Let’s use it to our advantage to truly put our attention on what we’re feeling… physically, emotionally, mentally… recognize it, name it, draw attention to it, then gently let it go. Happy meditating! Peace. -davidji