davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

Awakening Compassion

Hello sweet manifestors!!

As we coast into the last week of June – continuing our journey of awakening the divine aspect of our self, I am humbled by the overwhelming response from so many of you.

Thank you for being such an important thread in this magnificent global fabric of love. We’ve spent the month awakening and cultivating our innate gifts of acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, and this week, we awaken compassion.

If we can be just a bit more accepting, grateful, forgiving, and compassionate each day, then we indeed are transforming the world by transforming ourselves!!

Compassion is often misunderstood and confused with other emotions. True compassion is the ability to be sympathetic, empathetic, as well as having the desire to alleviate another’s pain and suffering. Beyond living life at the level of, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you,” compassion looks to heal others even in instances when you would not heal yourself. There are many people we like, even love, yet the depth of our compassion for them is shallow. Perhaps fear, jealousy, resentment, guilt, or anger color our perspective and each of these emotions carry with it a certain attachment that prevents true compassion.

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How can we know if we are feeling compassion about something and are not simply attached? True compassion is independent of attachment. Imagine if our compassion could transcend our relationships and the attachment we have to them – pure sympathy, pure empathy, and pure desire to help them heal. It is the ultimate characteristic of emotional intelligence.

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But all compassion starts with self-compassion. If you are not rooting for yourself in each moment, how can you root for others? If you can’t empathize with your own plight, then you are not connected to your own heart. And it’s from the depths of our own heart that compassion is birthed. Healing others begins with healing yourself.

This week let’s root for ourselves. Let’s place our attention –from the moment we awake, until the moment we fall asleep – accepting ourselves, forgiving ourselves, seeing gratitude in each moment, and allowing compassion to flow through each thought, word, and action.

If we are just a bit more loving to our self this week, those around us will feel our acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, and compassion…and the world will be a better place.


Join me on Hay House Radio and peaches – the Buddha princess and I will go deeper on awakening compassion. See you in the gap!!! Peace. -davidji

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