The Seven Love Steps
“The one thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give enough is love.”
~ Henry Miller
This week, we explored opening our hearts a bit more so we can truly feel the magnificence of life and become the best version of ourselves. The theme of Letting Love Into Your Heart seems to have hit a powerful chord with so many members of the SweetSpot Community – as I received so many calls on LIVE! from the SweetSpot this past Wednesday on Hay house Radio. And the emails continue to pour in!
Many members of our tribe have expressed that they want to take these teachings deeper, and I’m in the process of developing my Secrets of Meditation Teacher Training in September as well as a new weeklong retreat to explore and immerse in the teachings of the great Masters who have influenced me – from the Bhagavad Gita to Pantajali to Deepak to Pema Chodron. So stay tuned for details! And feel free to email me at if you would like to find out more.
Opening our heart is never easy – especially when there’s been a heartbreak that has shut us down and allowed us to build walls to protect the tenderness of our heart. But RIGHT NOW, we can take some easy nourishing steps to feel again…to love again…and to let love BACK in!!!!
I mentioned these seven steps on HayHouseRadio during our guided meditation, but I’d like to share them again for those who were too deep in the gap to implement them.
1) We need to give ourselves permission to begin the process. You don’t have to give in or forgive someone (or even yourself) – but simply granting yourself permission to go to your heart is a HUGE STEP.
2) Accepting that you are entitled to receive unconditional love is critical. You are so worthy…so deserving to receive the love of the divine creator…the love of the universe…the love of others.
3) Acknowledging that HERE YOU ARE in this precious sacred moment and whatever broke your heart or continues to ache it…have brought you to this moment where you can love again…and feel love again.
4) Appreciating your environment – having gratitude for the world around you allows you take your attention off of the “poor me” mindset and allows you to ask, “How can I serve others?”
5) Having compassion is empathy plus rooting for someone’s pain and suffering to end. Having self-compassion (yes, rooting for yourself) and willing to forgive yourself for any big or little sins you’ve been beating yourself up over will allow you to step through your current pain which is holding you back.
6) Sharing love with others…flowing love into the world in every moment…living life with a Namaste mindset offers you an opportunity to BE THE CHANGE with very little risk to your tenderness.
7) And lastly…celebrate! Celebrate your little wins…your small successes. Party! And congratulate yourself for leaning in the direction of LOVE.
Use these steps to re-awaken love in your life and listen to today’s meditation to help you get a bit lighter. Have a sweet weekend. See you in the gap! -davidji