davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

Make Your 30 Minute Commitment to Personal Growth & Self Improvement

Hello, Spiritual Warrior! This week we are making a 30-minute commitment to honor in 2021!

Imagine that there is a sun in the center of your solar plexus. Your inner sun is always shining brightly but you have allowed a whole bunch of clouds to pass between the burning rays inside of you and the brilliant energy of transformation that is shining outside of you.

For passion to awaken and achievement of your goal to occur, those two lights must converge to become one.

What do the clouds in front of your sun look like?
Are they thin and wispy?
Or thick and heavy?
Are they dark or light?
Are they filled with rain or air?

Get clear on your clouds and begin to radiate the sun from your solar plexus to burn them away. Place your hand on your manipura, and go deeper into the visualization.

What are your clouds made of? Excuses? Laziness? Anxiety
Memories of past failure? A limiting belief?
Or a sense of fear over making a shift?

What has been holding you back from stepping into your new beginning? Your new 30-minute commitment? 

By drilling deep into the answers to these questions, you will start to transcend your blockages and prepare to make your new beginning with your 30-minute commitment. 

We can do this by simply answering the 10 questions of my Breaking through the Clouds Exercise. Ask yourself these questions and process them, or even journal:

  1. What’s a current issue or disturbance that is challenging me right now?
  2. What is the impact that this issue or disturbance is creating in my physical life?
  3. What is the impact that this issue or disturbance is creating in my emotional state?
  4. What is the impact that this issue or disturbance is creating in my material world?
  5. What is the impact that this issue or disturbance is creating in my relationships?
  6. What is the impact that this issue or disturbance is creating in my spiritual life?
  7. What happens if I do nothing?
  8. What would I like to see unfold?
  9. What are the top three characteristics, core traits, skill sets, or strengths that will best move me through this challenge?
  10. How brightly am I willing to shine my inner sun to break through the clouds?

30 minute commitmentPretty powerful. Right? But, let’s go even deeper.

This next phase of walking the Divine Path of Inner Fire will further stoke the embers of your passion to start your 30-minute commitment, as we explore an ancient practice known as Awakening the Divine.

This teaching has its beginnings in the 7,000-year-old teachings of the ancient Indian text, the Rig Veda, yet it can be applied to your life right now.

Whenever you are just about to leap out of one aspect of your life, and into another—a job, a relationship, a belief system, or a new commitment—sometimes we can feel like we don’t have the energy, confidence, courage, or smarts to take us to the next level.

Sometimes it’s a little voice in our head telling us we can’t do it, a person in our life shaking their head or smirking, or simply daunting circumstances. This is pretty common. So when we realize that we don’t have what it takes in the critical moment, don’t give up.

What trait, skill set, or divine quality will I need to awaken from inside to shift my life from where it is to where I want it to be?

Take a moment and let the answer bubble up. This requires honesty and your willingness to shine a bright light on all the shadowy areas of your life.

Through honest reflection, you will be able to see what you need and what you don’t have right now. This is where you get to break out of being stuck, find your next gear, and step into your passion with your new 30-minute commitment!!!

In the meantime, remember to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & SHARE to keep your ripple flowing in our community!!! Sending you peace, love and health. Be well.

Namaste. -davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess

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