davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

‘What Inspires You?’ Weekend Meditation

Happy Weekend, Spiritual Warrior!!!

Sometimes we find ourselves in a rut… stagnant… not unhappy, but not happy. Our weekend meditation focuses on what inspires us…. on the center of our passion: our manipura chakra and our anahata chakra. Each has it’s own special vibration:

Manipura vibration is ram
Anahata vibration is yum or yam

What inspires you? What sparks your passion? What holds your stars apart and your universe together? This is the time to dream BIG!!! We’re not holding back… we’re not playing small… throw caution to the wind!!!

This week, let’s focus on awakening our passion… awakening that which might have been dormant, or that which might have been struggling to break through into the light.

This is your time… this is your now… this is your moment.

Mantra: Ram yam dhri

Want to add this to your personal meditation library? Download it here. 
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