davidji's Blog

The Teacher Is Within

Hello, Spiritual Warriors! Welcome to another edition of The Source.

I love this classic quote from Dr. Seuss:

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

It’s such an impactful idea delivered in a lighthearted way that really illustrates how knowledge is power … and as long as we keep pushing ourselves to learn as we move through life, we will be full of purpose and living our dharma.

[Tweet “Ask yourself at the end of the day “What did I love to do so much that time stood still?” davidjinew.wpenginepowered.com”]

My dear friend & mentor Dr. David Simon taught me another meaning of the word dharma — “essence.” Your essence is the heart of your existence. Your dharma is the essence of you who are. From your essence arise your intentions. Your intentions drive your thoughts. Your thoughts give rise to your words. Your words are translated into actions — your actions into habits of behavior. Your habits of behavior manifest as your contribution to the world. This is your dharma.

Many of you may not consider yourself a teacher. But why not?? You have such special insights, so many gifts to offer! It is my dharma to help you become a teacher. My intention is to flow through a process that is profound, eye-opening, inspirational, and heart-opening — to deeply imbue you with these teachings; help you cultivate a powerful daily practice; and instill you with the confidence to comfortably share these teachings with others.

This is why I created my 16-week intensive meditation teacher training. I have certified more than 100 Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teachers in just a few years. Many are teaching formally and building their business, others are simply sharing the wisdom and teachings they’ve learned with friends and family, but all have transformed their lives by discovering their own purpose in life.

We just opened registration for my winter session that begins online November 20. You can learn more about it here. 

If you are looking to take your meditation practice to the next level, or share the passion that burns inside you, consider becoming a Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teacher — I will walk this sacred journey with you, guiding you and supporting you well beyond your graduation.

To help you open your heart & get closer to your dharma with greater grace and greater ease. Here is an easy 4-step process to help you deepen your connection to your own essence and purpose:

  1. Meditate every morning & ask the sacred questions: what am I grateful for? Who am I grateful for?
  2. Ask a close friend or relative, “What do you think is my best quality?”
  3. Ask yourself at the end of the day “What did I love to do so much that time stood still?”
  4. As your head hits the pillow at night, ask yourself, “ How can I help others, heal others, serve others using my best qualities?”

Living our dharma is all about translating our best intentions into meaningful choices. If the passion is burning inside you, take the next step to flow your essence into the world. Everyone around you will be richer for your contribution.

Peace. -davidji

destressify GM package vol 1Special Gift for You!

Register for Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teacher Training this week and I’ll gift you my “destressify Meditation Series” Vol. 1 & 2!! Each volume features three simple daily meditations you can use to quickly get back onto the path of destressifying.

I think you’ll especially enjoy the track “Touchbreath.” If you find yourself in the throes of chronic stress, where you are living in a state of emotional fight or flight, then most likely your breathing is probably pretty shallow or erratic and your sympathetic nervous system is calling the shots.

destressify GM package vol 2Making a conscious decision every hour throughout the day to take a few deep, relaxing breaths in through your nose—and long, sighing exhales out through your mouth—to activate your parasympathetic nervous system will offset the initial surge of the sympathetic nervous system and the subsequent constricting physical effects.

Click here to learn more about the upcoming Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teacher Training >>