davidji's Blog

The davidji Meditation Experience New Album

Announcing my newest album “The davidji Guided Meditation Experience” now available only on iTunes, Amazon Music, Google Play and more!

CDcoverART_1aF (1)Tracks include 10 of my most popular guided meditations of all time:

  1. Attention & Intention 18:09
  2. Trust & Move Beyond Fear 15:16
  3. 5 Secrets of the SweetSpot 14:21
  4. Letting Go 22:14
  5. Root Chakra (Muladhara) 17:56
  6. Let Love In 18:19
  7. Nurture & Heal Through Gratitude 12:18
  8. Nurture & Heal Through Love 15:24
  9. Discovering Your Dharma 16:09
  10. Om Mani Padme Hum 22:48


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