davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

Taking a Deep Breath with the Universe during the Solar Eclipse

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Source — just in time for the North American total solar eclipse!!!

Can you imagine a more profound moment to meditate?!?! When the New Moon merges with the sun creating a sweet pattern interrupt, and taking in a deep breath to refresh our world!!!

I’ve created a special guided meditation to honor this wondrous event. You can stream it or download it for free below.

Let’s celebrate this ultimate calm amidst the chaos. I’d love to read about your solar eclipse experience in the comments below.

Keep meditating!!! Keep it real… keep trusting in the divine.

Peace. -davidji

Click to stream, or click here to download to your desktop or laptop.


** A note on downloading: This mp3 file is delivered in a zip file that must be first downloaded to a desktop or laptop. They cannot be downloaded directly to a mobile device.

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