davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

Sometimes You Just Need a REALLY BIG Pattern Interrupt!

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source, in which we revise pattern interrupts – but on a bit grander scale!

When we introduce a pattern interrupt into our flow of thoughts, we can gently step aside from the uneasy memories of the past or the anxious thoughts of the future and truly ground ourselves back into the present moment.

My new book Sacred Powers is coming Dec. 12! Join me for a weekend workshop in Vegas based on Sacred Powers and together we will awaken the best versions of ourselves in the new year!!!

Our bodymind moves beyond all that irritation, anger, discomfort, anxiety, and less-than or “it’s not fair” thinking. The constriction vanishes instantly; and our next thought, word, or action will come from a less conditioned, more expansive place. Now we are primed for greater possibilities, novel solutions, and infinite potential. Whatever limiting belief was holding us back is momentarily suspended.

Once destressifying becomes part of your daily routine, this state of restful awareness occurs naturally. Calm and balance become the norm; and anxieties, anger, emotional turbulence, and knee-jerk reactions drift away as your physical body relaxes and your innate emotional intelligence gently returns to guide your choices.

In times of extreme stress, however, when the body experiences constant physiological arousal over numerous perceived dangers that are not life-threatening, the destressified response can be created through techniques like the one you just experienced.

When I’m training law enforcement personnel or members of the military, I refer to 16seconds as “tactical breathing.” Whatever you choose to call it, feel free to use it as a daily tool when you feel a bit of anxiety bubbling up or panic sweeping through you.

You can even post on Facebook or Instagram or tweet #16seconds to share your destressifying moment!

I recently had a grand destressifying moment that I want to share with you, too!!! Check out the video below. Peace. -davidji

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