“What you seek is seeking you.”
― Rumi
Last year I joined forces with the folks over at Winter Feast for the Soul – 40 days of FREE consecutive meditations! The feedback was INCREDIBLE and I enjoyed hearing from you so much that I decided to GO FOR IT again this year. These meditations come from the purest place within me…my heart center.
Today is day 32 of 40!

It is my hope that you meditate. It is my belief that we will change the world through meditation. It is my understanding that connecting to stillness and silence within allows each of us to live life with expanded awareness, deeper compassion, and greater fulfillment. It is my experience that time spent in stillness and silence can open your heart to the true depth of your universal essence. Accessing this depth of pure, unbounded consciousness on a regular basis has allowed me to see and feel the world with an ever-expanding openness, deeper emotional empathy, greater clarity, and a heightened connection to source. At this point in my life, I think this is a good thing.
Meditation has taught me that we are all masters of each moment. And effortlessly weaving this practice into every fiber of my being has given me the tools and techniques for living a life that is receptive to other perspectives, which offers me increased possibilities. I believe that anyone who is willing to embrace meditation can access these tools as well.
What does this have to do with not taking anything personally? It all starts from within. If we take the time each day to take ourselves out of that “object-referral” state and begin shifting our awareness towards “self-referral”, then we inch away from those moments of “taking things personally” – and carry a deeper understanding of what matters most is our dream – not their dream. When we come from this space, we truly are transforming the world by transforming ourselves.
So your choice this week – choose one or all of the meditations and make these creations personal…make them yours. These meditations are all FREE and downloadable, so drop them on your system and access at your leisure.
Enjoy and I’ll see you next week!
Peace – davidji