davidji's Blog

Letting Go of a Dream

Happy weekend, spiritual warriors! It’s been said that our dreams are the whispers of the universe flowing from our heart while we sleep. Only when our bodies and our minds relax to a place of pure stillness and silence do dreams begin to unfold. Sometimes the dreams are direct reflections of what’s going on in our life; other times fantasies beyond imagination reveal themselves in surreal visions, colors, conversations, and actions.

But what about the dreams we’ve held on to throughout our life? How our dream relationship would unfold… what our dream job would feel like… what our dream house would look like… and what our dream life would be…

There are many dreams that we’ve held onto for several years, and they probably fit into one of these four categories:

  • Your vision has derailed & you are very far from your dream;
  • You’ve gotten a taste of fulfillment but you are struggling to manifest the dream;
  • You’ve achieved a large percentage of the dream but you are stalled;
  • You have fully manifested & you are indeed living the dream.

If you find yourself in one of the first three categories, it’s time to give yourself permission to re-dream… to craft a new vision based on who you are right now not who you were when you first dreamed how it would unfold.