Hello Spiritual Warrior!!!! And welcome to another edition of The Source!!
As you know, I’ve spent the past year writing a book to help people stress less, find greater clarity, step into their power, and truly achieve peace of mind. I named the book “destressifying” & it comes out August 24th. One of the core teachings of “destressifying” is slowing down your mind, seeing your thoughts in slow motion, and gaining clarity on what you need in a given moment. A powerful tool for making that happen is to look at your life through The 5 Realms of existence.
When we look at our life in its totality, there are some parts that overlap and others that are distinct. We’ve all heard of the concept of work-life balance. But in truth, that separation between work and life is artificial since for many of us our work is our life, others work at home, and for all of us, the behaviors and actions we perform in daily life, spill over into work, home commute, relaxation, meals, the bedroom, etc. A more accurate breakdown is to separate our life into the five truest aspects of our existence:
1. The Physical Realm
2. The Emotional Realm
3. The Material Realm
4. The Relationship Realm, and
5. The Spiritual Realm
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When we look at our life through the lens of the 5 Realms, it allows us to move back and forth from the big picture to the more granular aspects of our existence. It brings us single-pointed intention so we can make tiny, incremental shifts that have huge impact. And, by focusing our attention on five core areas, clarity naturally flows to all of our answers.
1. The Physical Realm contains your body, diet, health, exercise, sleep, digestion, physical habits, and our body’s flexibility, balance, endurance, and strength.
2. The Emotional Realm contains how we respond to the world – our empathy, conditioning, reactivity, hot buttons, ego; our ability to self-regulate our emotions and reactions to the world around us, temper our highs and lows, cultivate our emotional intelligence, muster our courage, heal our heart, and deconstruct our conditioned knee-jerk responses.
3. The Material Realm is reflected in our understanding of wealth consciousness, the abundance we circulate through the world, and our ability to see ourselves as conduits or channels of material energy – finding new creative solutions to problems. It’s our career, our house, car, possessions, money, and all our stuff.
4. The Relationship Realm is reflected in enhancing the quality of our relationships starting with the relationship we have with our self; winding down those relationships that don’t serve us, and redirecting our attention to those relationships that are nourishing.
5. The Spiritual Realm is reflected in our core values, our intuition, our awareness of something bigger than our self, our acceptance of differing values and beliefs, and our self-actualization, which includes being of service to others. It contains your connection to God, the divine, the universe, and Source. It’s your dharma or purpose in life.
Once we understand these five core aspects of our being, we can start to make powerful shifts in the direction of our life. Once you understand the concept of the five realms, an easy starting point in the process of transformation is to ask:
“What can I let go of that no longer serves me in each of the 5 realms?”
Just pick one thing to let go of. To jumpstart the process, identify the one that is creating the most pain; or determine the one that consumes more of your awareness or energy.
Nature abhor a vacuum. Once you release, a space is created – and whatever thought, word, behavior, or response you conjure – innocently…subtly…effortlessly fills it. So now ask yourself this question:
“What can I add to my life to nourish myself in each of the 5 realms?”
I have practiced this every day for the past 3 years and have manifested amazing dreams while I have shed some very painful aspects of my past life. I encourage you to join me in this journey of destressifying and feel free to email me your transformational shifts!
In the meantime, I’ll see you in the gap!
Peace. -davidji