Hello, Spiritual Warriors! Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source. Let’s talk about the temptation to give up.
I’m in the midst of my Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teacher Training session that began in June. It can be a pretty intense process for many who find themselves not only managing their studies but also navigating difficult life challenges.
It’s common for my students to email me about struggles they are experiencing: my loved one just died; I lost my job suddenly; family is coming to my house to stay; my business is struggling… you get the idea.
Although it may seem counterintuitive, because you feel compelled to carve out more time to handle life’s challenges, abandoning your meditation practice, or your spiritual practice, is the last thing I recommend.
It is in these times of overwhelm and stress that our practice really shines through! It’s in these times that our best version is revealed because we stick to a daily meditation practice. It’s in these times that we more easily move through change and strife with greater grace and greater ease.
If you are finding yourself at a crossroads, a fork in the road, moving through a mega-change, or having to make a challenging decision, then I encourage you to cling even more tightly to your spiritual practice. It’s what is going to help you to come out the other side owning your impact and stepping into your power.
I encourage you leave a comment below about your experience moving through change and challenges while staying committed to your practice.
In the meantime, I’ll see you in the GAP!!! Peace. -davidji