davidji's Blog

Embracing Wholeness… Including Our Pain

Welcome to this week’s The Source in which we dive into the painful process of, well, healing pain.

Living with, coping with, dealing with & transcending pain is a powerful process of healing. When we get to the other side, we are stronger, braver, clearer, and transformed. As the African spiritual teacher & author Sobonfu Somé said, “If we are going to achieve our purpose in life, we must be willing to fall out of grace and accept its lessons. When we feel righteous about ourselves, or deny our brokenness, we are fighting against the higher states of grace that await us.

[Tweet “When we deny our brokenness we are fighting against the higher states of grace that await us. -Sobonfu Somé @davidji_com “]

Our natural reaction to pain is to shirk from it – to pull back… to run from it, hide from it, or push it away. And we can pretty much do that with everything that comes at us in our life. Yet, if we spend our lives dodging every uncomfortable emotion that bubbles up, we stay in the same constricted place.

If our hope is to live a bold, rich, growth-filled and ever-evolving life, we need to acknowledge & accept the thorns in life just as we celebrate the fragrance and beauty of the rose petals. A gentle start to this process is to sit with your emotions as they arise and let them unfold – to truly feel them!

A rookie mistake for so many Spiritual Warriors on the path to one-ness is the desire to only want to see sunshine & rainbows in every moment – but in the process they deny their growth, they deny their humanity, they deny their potential. The moment we restrict ourselves to only “good news” or only “pleasant” experiences is the moment we stop living.

To understand that in our brokenness and sadness, we embrace our wholeness… and the wholeness of life, is one of the most important lessons we as human beings can learn. If we deny our own pain, how can we truly have compassion for someone else’s?

So this week, let’s make a commitment to receive the blessings of pain & euphoria… of light & darkness… of comfort & discomfort… of sadness & of joy. In this process, we will heal our wounds, celebrate our magnificence, and truly own our wholeness. Let’s keep meditating to awaken our most divine self and let’s keep leaning in the direction of our dreams.

In the meantime, I’ll see you in the gap!!

Peace. -davidji

Fuel Yourself with Strength, Courage & Grace, and Awaken Your Inner Healer!








Join me for a weekend retreat October 5-8 in the Sweetspot of the Universe focused solely on helping you make a profound shift in your body & mind. Learn to more fully connect with your genuine self – that core place within that can soothe, nourish, and heal – and gain the clarity you need to move forward with strength and power. Throughout this retreat, davidji will guide you as you choose to turn the page and write the new chapter of your life.

This event is for you if you are:

  • Needing to focus on yourself and coming back to your own center
  • Ready to release emotional turbulence that no longer serves you;
  • Seeking wholeness in your body, mind & soul;
  • Fascinated with energy healing, ceremony/rituals & aromatherapy;
  • Looking to explore the oldest healing system on the planet – Ayurveda;
  • Ready to shift your life and step into the fire of transformation together with davidji and other like-minded spiritual warriors!!

Email Events Manager Nancy MacLeod with questions at nancy@davidjinew.wpenginepowered.com.

Click here to learn more about this profound healing process >>