Hello Spiritual Warrior! Dharma is the principle that sustains the order of the universe.
Activating our Dharma.
Please enjoy this 18-minute meditation dedicated to activating our Dharma.
Dharma is the principle that sustains the order of the universe. It allows us to express our unique gifts and talents in service of others – if we can help, heal and service others, then we are living in alignment with our destined path.
In this meditation, we are going to go deep into our Ajna chakra – the third eye.
The third eye is the doorway to divine answers – so let’s ask ourselves:
What is my unique gift?
What is my special talent?
If you feel some sort of movement or energy in the Third Eye, this means you are awakening it.
The mantra we will use is Om Dharma Namaha.
My unique gifts are channeled to help heal and serve others. I am in alignment with the universe.
Silently repeat it over and over and over. Whenever you notice that you drift away, ever so gently return to the mantra. Plant this mantra like a seed in the fertile soil of our Third Eye. And then let go and let the universe do the work.
Thank you for taking this time to meditate with me today. I’ll see you in the gap.
Namaste. – davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess
Thank you for taking this time to meditate with me today. I’ll see you in the gap. Namaste. –
davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess
Let’s meditate ♡
In every single moment, there are infinite possibilities available to you, and through meditation, you can make nourishing life-affirming choices. In those choices, you can also choose what you want to manifest in your life. Don’t forget to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to my channels to keep your ripple flowing in our community & support this content!!! Check out my Mind Shift membership too Sending you expansive love, personal growth, and infinite possibilities. Be well.
Namaste. -davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess