“It is better to strive in one’s own dharma than to succeed in the dharma of another. Nothing is ever lost in following one’s own dharma. But competition in another’s dharma breeds fear and insecurity.”
– Krishna from The Bhagavad Gita
Blessings sweet meditators!! This week we are diving deep into our dharma – the principle that elevates, stabilizes, and sustains the order of the universe.
Dharma allows us to express our unique gifts and special talents in the service of others – essentially to live a purpose-driven life. Imagine if we could spend this part of our life helping, healing, or serving others doing exactly the thing we love to do.
According to Vedanta, each of the eight billion people on the planet has a unique gift that they can contribute to the world at a given time. If we can identify our specific gift and then figure out how to express it to help others, then we are in dharma.
Every entity in the cosmos has its own specific dharma – every atom, every cell, every proton, every electron, every element, plant, rock, gust of wind and every Being.

As you look around this week, realize that everything has a divine purpose…EVERYTHING. Your challenge is NOT to figure out every other person’s purpose – it’s simply to understand your own. Once you do that, you can begin to help, heal, and serve others using your divine gifts and your special talents…and ultimately do what you love. When you do this, you are expressing the very best version of yourself.
“If you had all the money and all the time in the world, what would you do?
– Deepak Chopra
So start by asking yourself, “What do I love to do?” “What – when I’m doing it – makes time stand still?” “What is the thing I was born to do?” And begin to make a list. Place everything on there that comes to mind.
Just put your attention on that. Stay tuned for this Friday’s Weekend Dharma Meditation and next week, we’ll explore part two of this conversation to truly identify your dharma. See you in the gap!! Peace. -d