davidji's Blog

Coming Home: 30-Minute Guided Meditation

The Heart Is Where The Home Is.

Coming Home

For this meditation, find a comfortable spot to nestle into. Feather your nest, and settle in.

Pain and suffering is inevitable in life. The ancient teachings tell us to not run from these pains, but rather to make peace with them. To come home to ourselves.

Self-kindness, self-acceptance and unconditional self-love is called Maitri. This Buddhist teaching has been rippling through the world for thousands of years now, and yet we still struggle with it. Which means that it’s a part of our human experience. It’s a practice – a journey from our struggle, to the coming home to ourselves in order to ease our suffering.

We start this process with the very seat of kindness, compassion and love – which is at the core of our tender heart.

The mantra we will use today is anahata ritam.

Thank you for joining me in the ever-loving gap. Namaste ✨

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Namaste. -davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess