Awakening the Virtue of Courage
Hello Spiritual Warrior! Today I’m sharing an excerpt from my book Sacred Powers with you – on Awakening the Virtue of Courage. I invite you to close your eyes and listen as I read a few pages to you in this video. Along with this reading, I am offering some journal prompts, which are offered […]
Awaken Your Energy Centers: 18-Minute Chakra Clearing Guided Meditation Hello Spiritual Warrior! Almost every day I like to do a chakra clearing meditation, to clear out any energy that is stuck in my system. Today I’d like to share a chakra clearing guided meditation with you that will help invigorate and align your chakras. What is a chakra, you may ask? They are […]
Life Tools: 8 Steps To Awaken Healing Hello, Spiritual Warrior! We were born whole – from our conception to birth, we live in a state of perfect wholeness. And then once we separated from our mother during birth, we began to become layered with conditioning. As don Miguel Ruiz states in his book The Four Agreements, we go through a process […]
Let Your Soul Light Shine Bright: 25-Minute Guided Meditation
Hello, Spiritual Warrior – it’s time to surrender! Feather your nest and settle in for this Soul LIght Guided Meditation. In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, he talked about the five obstacles that are a part of the human experience. In Sanskrit, five = pancha, and obstacle = klesha. So the five obstacles are the pancha kleshas. The pancha […]
A Tale of Two Moons Hello Spiritual Warrior, This weekend we have a beautiful opportunity to begin again. We have a new month beginning, as well as a new moon cycling through. New moons are a symbol of the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The sky is dark, still, and pregnant with potential. In the […]
Taking Your Life to the Next Level: 17-Minute Guided Meditation Hello, Spiritual Warrior! In every moment, we have a choice. And that choice is to choose a grievance, or a miracle. Every moment leading up to this moment is perfect, and although you may not like everything that has happened before, it has all led you to where you are right now. And right […]
Life Tools: The 6 Stages to a Present Moment Experience Hello, Spiritual Warrior! Developing and maintaining a meditation practice doesn’t have to be a struggle! Let’s look at the basics – the six stages to create a present moment experience. Settling – the first stage is to settle in. Remember one of my mantras – Comfort is Queen! You don’t need all the […]
Breathing in Abundance: 18-Minute Guided Meditation Hello Spiritual Warrior, Today, let’s turn our attention to all of the things that are currently limiting us. It’s time for a guided meditation to awaken our Abundance Consciousness. Remember that all of our limitations are self-created and self-directed, and the best part is that we get to choose to make a shift with […]
What are The Five Realms of Existence?
The tool that I have found valuable during times of extreme activity in order to slow the relentless swirl is looking at life through The Five Realms of Existence. I’ve dedicated an entire chapter to them in my book: destressifying. The Five Realms are a powerful tool to use as we look at our lives through our […]
Sufi Poet Hafiz: “Why Are We Here?”
The great 14th century Sufi poet Hafiz reminds us that the meaning of life boils down to just two things: To love more To be happy In this clip, davidji asks us to consider how we can love more, which increases our happiness. When we are happier, we naturally want to love more, and the […]