davidji's Blog

Awaken Your Courage and Step into Your Power Weekend Meditation

Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior! I’ve just returned from a week with the distinguished officers of the Blue Courage program celebrating law enforcement – the men & women who have pledged their lives to serving & protecting.

Blue Courage is a transformational leadership development program designed for all levels of law enforcement – from police & sheriffs, to FBI, and even the military. This revolutionary educational process is designed to touch hearts, awaken minds and ignite spirits through dynamic presentations and learning processes.

Much of the Blue Courage Awareness Training is based on my book destressifying: The Real World Guide to Personal Empowerment, Deeper Fulfillment & Peace of Mind, an Amazon #1 best seller and winner of the 2015 Nautilus Book Award. destressifying is the first mainstream book to reveal both sides of stress, its damaging emotional aspects and its powerful healing properties.

There are no words to express how deeply grateful I am for the privilege to spend time with these amazing, courageous men & women learning to use present-moment life tools in their quest for safety, nobility, resilience and guardianship.

So, in the spirit of those who every day step into their power, own their impact, and dedicate their lives to bettering themselves and their communities, please enjoy this weekend’s Stepping into Your Power guided meditation and awaken your courage!!!

Namaste. -davidji

Mantra: Haam

Featuring SacredFire Music