davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

Weekend POWER Meditation


“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” – Alice Walker

We are STEPPING into OUR POWER!!!!

And it’s so much more powerful when we journey on the three-fold path to:
First…Gaining clarity.
Then…Trusting that the time is now – and that the DO-er is YOU!
And, lastly…mobilizing & expressing our intentions and desires.

Energetically, we awaken our power center – our manipura chakra in the center of our chest…and flow that transformational energy out into the world through our expression center – our visshuddha chakra located in our throat.

Manipura into visshuddha. Your power chakra into your expression chakra. Your solar plexus into your throat. Mobilizing your intentions & desires and giving yourself permission to express them. Breath by breath. Bean by bean. Hour by hour. Day by day. Giving ourself permission to stand in our truth without fear.


If you’re reading this, you are already empowered to take your first step. YES!!!!

You have obviously awakened your boldest essence. So congratulate yourself for having the courage to begin this powerful, evolutionary journey.

Now let’s nourish our courage, by letting our thoughts, words, and actions flow. We do this by awakening our throat chakra – our energetic center of expression.


davidji stepping into your power guided meditationSTEP into Your POWER with davidji’s power meditation package.


davidji with MJ & Dean of SacredFire
davidji with MJ & Dean of SacredFire
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