“If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?” -Rumi
This week we have been exploring the concept and the practice of acceptance. One of the most difficult things to do is accept or allow that which we have resisted. I have often described the personality of peaches – the Buddha princess – as “she resists nothing and therefore she receives unconditional love.”
There are several easy ways that allow us to resist less and accept more. Taking a deep breath can make the process of accepting flow more easily in the moment. Spending time in stillness and silence offers us the opportunity to awaken patience, become more peaceful, and experience unity consciousness.
Opening our heart allows us to love ourselves a bit more, love others unconditionally, and accept the love of others that we may have resisted in the past. Let’s also not forget that acceptance is one of the four emotional needs of the heart; attention, affection, appreciation, and ACCEPTANCE. If you are experiencing times of challenge, these four needs are a wonderful navigational “check-list” to self-awareness and healing.
If you are looking to expand and evolve, this weekend’s meditation will help you on your journey. Keep meditating and you will awaken the divine acceptance within you so that you will live your life with greater grace and ease. See you in the gap. Peace. -davidji
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November 16-23
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