“This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.” -Rumi
Hello beloved meditators!!! What a magnificent week this is!!!! We will spend this month Setting our Course for 2014 using a time-tested practice I have been teaching for more than a decade. The five steps in this process are:
1) Letting go of what no longer serves you
2) Gaining clarity on what it is that you do want
3) Setting your intentions & planting seeds
4) Leaning in the direction of your dreams and desires
5) Manifesting a magnificent life RIGHT NOW…and for many years to come.
Tune into hayhouseradio.com today at 3p PST/6p EST!
My beloved friend and mentor –David Simon MD – spent much of his life helping his patients release non-nourishing behaviors. He shared many of the nuances and techniques with me so I could help my students move forward in their lives with grace and ease. I am also a student of the Hoffman Quadrinity Process and I have personally experienced deep fulfillment using the fusion of these various teachings to successfully manifest MY dreams and desires; I will be dedicating my November Hay House Radio Shows to sharing these techniques with you in greater detail.
The easiest place to start is observing our behaviors because we can see them as they unfold in our words and actions, reflect on them after-the-fact, and then make the decision to evolve them if they no longer serve us. And that is the key – identifying behaviors that don’t serve us. So essentially, first we have to live it to determine if it feels good…if it resonates…if it adds value in your life.
So upon finding yourself saying something or doing something that doesn’t add value to your life, ask yourself “How is holding onto this belief, thought, word, or behavior serving me?” “Does it make me happy?” “Do I feel good as it is occurring?” “Do I feel better afterwards?” “Have I left behind ojas? (pronounced OH-JAS) which is Sanskrit for sweet vital nectar; or have I left behind ama? (pronounced AH-MA), which is Sanskrit for toxic residue.
Then ask, “What need was being fulfilled?” “What was I trying to accomplish?” Once you identify the need that is being filled, the next question to ask is, “How else can I fulfill this need in a way that will ultimately be more nourishing and life-affirming for me.”
After you have identified the conditioned behavior (and this can be a way of thinking, a pattern of speaking or acting, a limiting belief, or a perspective), and you have decided that your life will be better without it, you need to give yourself permission to do so. To activate the process, write down how your life will be different AND better once you make the shift. Then dedicate some time to a specific releasing ritual that affirms to yourself and to the world that you are letting go of whatever it is you’ve been holding on to.
Take some time to journal your feelings and thoughts about the behavior, and make a commitment to do something different – even the slightest shift is a big step. Then hold a ceremony – alone or with a close friend or loved one – where you distill the non-nourishing behavior down to one word and perform a ritual such as writing that down on a piece of paper and burning it or Sharpee-ing it onto a rock and throwing it off a cliff, into a body of water, or into a hole. GET RID OF IT! Then celebrate your release by treating yourself to some special event that commemorates your new direction – cook yourself something you love, or do something that makes you feel really good. The process takes dedication – but – YOU ARE WORTH THE INVESTMENT!
Remember the words of Lao Tzu: When I let go of who I am, I become who I might BE! Let’s spend the week letting go of what no longer serves us. In the meantime, I’ll see you in the gap! Peace. -davidji
Join me for one of my upcoming events!
Set Your Course for 2014!
January 23-26
Masters of Wisdom and Meditation Teacher Training
March 17-23
Discovering Your Dharma
April 3-6
Secret’s of Meditation Healing Immersion
May 8-11