davidji's Blog

A Time for Reflection

“People travel to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering.” – St. Augustine

What do you see when you reflect on the choices you’ve made this year?

Do you go back to your highlights? Your lowlights? Your laughter-filled moments? Your pain-points? Actions you took? Or things others did?

Reflection is powerful – it helps us see where we’ve come from. It allows the concept of co-creation to clarify as we realize nothing happens without our participation.

Even when we think, “he or she did that TO ME”, we realize we are co-conspirators in every breath, thought, word, and action – as well as all the breaths, thoughts, words, and actions of those in our lives.

As we reflect back on the past eleven and a half months, a great place to start is making a few lists. Take some time over the next few weeks to hunker down and REFLECT on:

• Your five most significant moments of 2013 – the moments that defined your journey and the trajectory they created

• Your five most important decisions of 2013 – the choices that reinforced past decisions; the choices that refined existing decisions from the past; and the choices that created new directions.

• Three people who came into your life in 2013 and helped raise your vibration

The answers to these 13 reflection points will help you realize where you are right now. They’ll help you to see more clearly about what really did happen this year and more importantly, how you got to where you are. We all get to move in any direction we choose – and when we can see the seeds – whether we planted them; another person scattered them around us; or the universe dropped them on us – we need to remind ourselves that WE ARE THE MASTERS OF EACH MOMENT.

If you love the direction that your life is moving toward – apply more pressure to the accelerator and keep moving. If you don’t like the direction where things are heading – you get to stop and shift. And your answers to the 13 reflection points will help you move from where you are to where you want to be.

So as we sit 20 days away from a clean slate of 2014, let’s get busy visioning & dreaming where the next magnificent year will take us. Remember, where attention goes, energy flows – – – and what we place our attention on blooms and blossoms and grows and thrives. Where we drift our attention away from, withers and diminishes, and ultimately fades into the ether. Yes indeed, we are the masters of each moment. Join me today on HayHouseRadio and we’ll reflect together!!! Peace. -davidji


Join me for one of my upcoming events!

Set Your Course for 2014!
January 23-26

Masters of Wisdom and Meditation Teacher Training

March 17-23

Discovering Your Dharma
April 3-6

Secret’s of Meditation Healing Immersion
May 8-11