davidji's Blog

Setting our Course for an AMAZING 2014!

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice.”
-T.S. Eliot

Setting Your Course for 2014

OMG Spiritual Warriors… it’s 2014! It’s really here! Now what?

So much has unfolded over the past 365 days – highs & lows, challenges & breakthroughs, movement & stagnation, sadness & celebration, beginnings & endings, and through it all – we’ve grown and blossomed and bloomed… and here we are…with a brand new clean slate – an open plan…with 364 new 24-hour periods for us to manifest our dreams and desires.

It’s visioning time again! Did you make a new years resolution, a journal entry, a pact with a family member or friend? Did you make a personal commitment to change or shift or stop or start something in your life?

You’re not alone. This is the time of year when every dream is fresh…so achievable.

But the days go by and suddenly its spring and those personal agreement we made with ourselves have drifted into the ether. And with a woosh, we are just trying to hold on to the tail of the year racing ahead of us.

Why do we float away from the intentions that are so important to us during this time? Drifting away from our personal needs right into the deep waters of what doesn’t necessarily serve us; back into our conditioned patterns; back into the habits that don’t serve us or anyone around us – our loved ones, our bosses, our partners. It’s just natural and human to revert to our conditioned stories and behaviors. But we can break out and change that now.

The key is putting our dreams out there and slowly, consistently growing into them – step by step…bean by bean – growing into our dreams. And when we find ourselves reverting to our old “norm”, don’t beat yourself up, just take a baby step back to your dream.

So in 2014…let’s dream magnificent dreams – let’s play big!! Let’s set heroic trajectories and remind ourselves each day that the journey of 1000 miles is accomplished by placing one foot in front of the other…step-by-step…one day at a time.

Let’s start by setting our course – making a commitment to show up each day and be present. Meditate every morning so that the seed of each day starts with stillness and silence and unfolds with infinite possibilities. Let’s lead with love, compassion, and forgiveness. And know that every decision is a choice between a grievance and a miracle. And then let’s place one foot in front of the other and celebrate the baby steps knowing they are miraculous and will deliver us to where we want to be with grace and ease.

I’m dedicating this month on Hay House Radio to Setting our Course. I’ll be spending every morning meditating so my trajectory of the day will have a bit more stillness, heart, and focus, and I invite you to join me in transforming the world by transforming ourselves.

And as January unfolds, I’ll be leading an all day workshop in Northern California at the Spiritual Center for Positive Living and then later in the month spending 4 days with thirty five visionaries at my Set Your Course Workshop.

I’ll also be joining my fellow Hay House authors Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Marianne Williamson, Kris Carr, Christiane Northrup, Louise Hay, Cheryl Richardson, and so many other powerful teachers for The Start The New You Now Ultimate Webinar from Jan 11- Jan 17. Click the link and sign up – it’s FREE.

Join me in making the commitment to make 2014 the most amazing year of our lives. Ready? I’ll see you in the gap!! Peace. -davidji

Join me for one of my upcoming events!

Discovering Your Dharma
April 3-6, 2014

Secret’s of Meditation Healing Immersion
May 8-11, 2014