davidji's Blog

You Have the Power to Heal from Within

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source in which we explore awakening our power to heal from within.

Throughout our lives we have distanced ourselves from the whole by resisting, protecting, pushing back, guarding, defending, preventing, and stopping. But we could – just as easily – allow, receive, and accept that this moment and all our moments are perfect exactly as they are. If we are willing to do this, then we can move to a mindset of The Healer where the universe is supporting us not attacking us.

If we can connect and know at our core level that we are indeed worthy, and brilliant, and intuitive, and deserving of love & happiness, then we can connect to the part of us that can soothe, nourish, and heal our wounds – our emotional ones and then our physical ones. There is a beautiful phrase in Sanskrit – yata pinde tat brahmande – which essentially means, “as is the cosmic body, so is the personal body; as is the cosmic mind, so is the personal mind.”

 width=This is the focus of my Awakening Your Inner Healer Weekend Immersion October 5-8 — to fuel yourself with strength, courage and grace while helping you make a profound shift in your body and mind. You will learn to more fully connect with your genuine self – that core place within that can soothe, nourish, and heal – and gain the clarity you need to move forward with strength and power.

This event tends to fill quickly, and there are only a few early-bird spots open. Register here >>

If you want to be happier, you need to step into your power and take the reins of your life so you can be the writer, the main character, and the director of your life. Throughout this retreat, I will guide you as you choose to turn the page and write the new chapter of your life. Let’s do it together!!

This event is for you if you are:

  • Needing to focus on yourself and coming back to your own center
  • Ready to release emotional turbulence that no longer serves you;
  • Seeking wholeness in your body, mind & soul;
  • Fascinated with energy healing, ceremony/rituals & aromatherapy;
  • Looking to explore the oldest healing system on the planet – Ayurveda;
  • Ready to shift your life and step into the fire of transformation together with davidji and other like-minded spiritual warriors!!

We all encounter new challenges and triumphs, surprises & aha! moments, celebrations and heartaches — this is the wild roller coaster of life – ever changing, ever unfolding, ever uncertain. At times we may find ourselves seeking healing – healing of our minds, healing of our bodies, and healing of our souls.

Sometimes we can benefit from outside help and at other times we need to draw on the additional support that can come from within – deep within – from your most genuine self – which is pure and perfect and whole and enlightened.

Together, we can awaken that genuine self, which knows no separation from source – only knows love, compassion, forgiveness, and light – it only knows wholeness and sees all things as ONE.

This 4-day immersion will help you cultivate your meditation practice, discover your innate power to heal and shift how you see the world. You will leave with the power to invite deeper meaning, profound serenity, limitless abundance, and success into your life.

First…Gaining clarity. Here are other powerful take-aways. In this intimate retreat you will:

  • Learn that you are an integrated piece of the universe;
  • Gain clarity and make a profound shift in body & mind;
  • Learn to trust that the time is now – and that the DO-er is YOU!
  • Stop resisting, protecting, pushing back, defending and preventing; and instead allow, receive and accept;
  • Connect to the part of you that can soothe, nourish, and heal your emotional and physical wounds.
  • Having the courage to activate and mobilize your intentions and desires – stepping fully into the best expression of YOU!!

Claim Your FREE Gifts for Pre-Ordering the New Secrets of Meditation Today!!!

It’s not too late!!! Pre-order the NEW, updated, bold, second edition of my award-winning book Secrets of Meditation and receive 3 never-before released guided meditations!!!

I’ve updated the book with new resources, even more tips, tools & techniques, and added the most current, cutting-edge research available. The book officially launches March 7, but a limited number of copies are available RIGHT NOW on Amazon.com.


Here’s how to claim your 3 FREE gifts:

  1. Pre-order your copy of the NEW EDITION of Secrets of Meditation
  2. Take a screen shot of your purchase, or make a copy of your e-receipt
  3. Email it to info@davidjinew.wpenginepowered.com